Saturday, April 24, 2010

Pspwxp ie flash player?

ok so i downloaded and installed pspwxp on my psp looks real nice like its real,,,and it works with is there any way to download a flash player for that ie.? is it like ie pocket pc?

can u add a flash player to the pspwxp files or somethin pleasetell me

Pspwxp ie flash player?windows 95

i think you can enable flash through the settings on the home menu. you may need a wi-fi connection

How do you go from IE 7 to IE 6?

I am using a web site that doesn't like IE 7 it prefers IE 6 I was wondering if anyone knew how to go from IE 7 to IE6. Thanks.

How do you go from IE 7 to IE 6?ds browser

When you uninstall i.e.7 in add/remove programs then it should automatically revert to i.e.6 but to be on the safe side download i.e.6 first from here and save it to your desktop just in case of problems after uninstalling i.e.7

How do you go from IE 7 to IE 6?microsoft templates internet explorer

download IE6 from:

uninstall IE7 and then install the downloaded IE6

As a failsafe, download and install Firefox first - that way if it screws up and your left with no IE for a while, you can still get on the web and find a solution



Some IE Problem?

I had set up my IE homepage as Yahoo.Com. it wasn't a problem at all. But rentenly When i m online and like 10 mints later, my homepage on IE will change to a website. I have set up back to Yahoo from Contorl Pan.. of the IE... But next time i use online again, after 10 mint ss like the same page show again!!!! How can i deal with this problem????

Some IE Problem?microsoft windows xp

have u given ok option.

Some IE Problem?ie 7 internet explorer

sounds like spyware heres a free tool
This is due to a spyware or a trojan or a malware or a virus.

Download Norton Antivirus and scan for viruses and trojans.

Download Webroot SpySweeper and scan for spyware/adware/malware.;mer...

Remove the detected viruses/trojans/spywares etc. and set your homepage to Yahoo!. It will work fine then.
Sounds like spyware. Get and run the following to get rid of it...

Spybot - Search %26amp; Destroy 1.4:

It's a spyware of browser hyjacking type i guess. You should install some good programs to keep your browsing secure and safe:

- Norton antivirus

- Microsoft antispyware

- Spybot search and destroy
It sounds possible that you may have a virus on your computer. The best thing you can do is use your Nortan Scan like you did. But have you gotten updates for it? Also it maybe a problem that you have spyware on your computer. Two good free programs to downloads are: Spybots Search and Destroy, and Adaware SE. You can downloads these at They are free and really can clean up your computer. I suggest you look at these options.

Will IE 7 allow e-mail to be sent in colors?

IE 4+ allows e-mail to be sent in colors. Why doesn't IE 6 and WILL IE 7 allow such?

Will IE 7 allow e-mail to be sent in colors?microsoft visual studio

I have it, and I do, yes.

How do I change from IE to firefox?

In my last question I said I am having problems with IE. If i am to change from IE to firefox, how would I go about it? Would I download firefox and delete IE? or what? If i am not to delete IE, how do I tell my computer to use firefox instead of IE?

How do I change from IE to firefox?microsoft support

Follow these simple steps.

1. Goto

2. Download the latest version of firefox.

3. Double Click to install.

4. After installation it will ask if you want to import favourites from IE and other cookies etc. This will help you in smooth migration.

5. The first time firefox starts it will inform you that it is not the default browser and ask if you would like to make it the default browser. Choose yes if that is what you want.

6. In case you do start IE after Step 5 it will complain that it is not the default browser and do you want to make it the default browser. Choose no and check the option for not to ask you again.

Thats it, in six easy steps you will have a safer, faster and better web experience.

Congratulations on your choice of Firefox.

How do I change from IE to firefox?windows live mail internet explorer

You download and install Firefox. The first time you use it, it will say Firefox is not your default web browser, would you like to make it your default web browser now? You click yes and then just don't use IE. Don't delete it though.
yah just install mozilla firefox and click set as default browser and use firefox.
So, basically, you're telling me that I typed all that for nothing? *sigh*

Anyways... Certainly, do not delete IE. It occasionally comes in handy, especially on some sites which only work with IE (such as Microsoft Windows Update).

Just download and install Firefox, open Firefox up, and then when you open it and it asks you if you would like to set it as your default browser, click yes.
just download the free program:
You cant uninstall IE, Window System Need IE.

Just Download FireFox and Run it,It will work

Here To Download:

My IE doesn't support pages which is required java script. how can i fix this problem?

For example this page doesnt work properly To view this 3D Flash presentation, please install or enable Java.

Also, my IE doesnt display the yello bar which is shown in . so i can not continue and coplette installation and also i can not download offline version in When i open this page IE displays HTTP Error 403 - Forbidden. How can I fix this problem.

My IE doesn't support pages which is required java script. how can i fix this problem?microsoft frontpage

I'd try un-installing IE and then re-installing it. IE could be corrupted

My IE doesn't support pages which is required java script. how can i fix this problem?windows vista home premium internet explorer

is thais at home or work? If it is at work his is blocked by the server/firewall.

I'd recomend upgraiding to IE7

Microsoft IE?

Let's assume that I have an IE explorer open. When I open another explorer window and go to google (or any site) and start typing in my query, then the first window will come up, unless it is minimized on the toolbar. Has anybody experienced this before ? I notice this does not happen with Mozilla. Is this a bug in IE explorer ?

Microsoft IE?windows messenger

its IE thats doing this. Hex Variables used in many versions of windows that were released without the new verion of windows have a tenticy to confuse header requests with other windows, bringing them up if the are in the cache, like when they are open. Once they are in the RAM (minimised) this problem wont happen. Other browsers that are written in Visual Basic, like maxthon will have this problem as well, but if it [the browser] made out of a different language or configures the headers differently, then it will work fine. Mozilla is written in c++

Microsoft IE?microsoft works internet explorer

can't say i have ... something's fishy there.

ERROR saying "script on pg causing IE run slowly...comp may bcum unresponsive..abort script? HE

using IE browser i have it unchecked as browser %26amp; using Y! browser have IE also unchecked BUT have Y! as default in browser settings...keep getting above (condensed) error ALOT %26amp; have to ctr-alt-del/logon AGAIN...been trying out different things as far as the settings like: w/ IE browser i try both checking/unchecking IE as default along w/ trying out w/ Y! browser checking/unchecking IE as default browser and checking/unchecking Y! under "browser options" since i dont have "browser options" w/ IE browser but STILL getting above script error...when i check "events" i see diff. info depending on if i have IE OR Y! as default browser like: "faulting application ybrowser.exe...faulting module ntdll.dll" OR "hanging application IEXPLORE.EXE " OR "faulting iexplore.exe" along w/ "hang module hung application"...also get under "events-system" this error "service control manager-#3095-application management service terminated w/ following error:specified module not found";got latest toolbr to

ERROR saying "script on pg causing IE run slowly...comp may bcum unresponsive..abort script? HELP me!!!?default browser

For best results, I suggest posting this question in the 'Computers and Internet' category here on Yahoo! Answers. Here is the link:;...

ERROR saying "script on pg causing IE run slowly...comp may bcum unresponsive..abort script? HELP me!!!?microsoft word download internet explorer

well that sounds like a right pain in the 'arris!
Try FireFox.

The award-winning, free Web browser is better than ever. Browse the Web with confidence - Firefox protects you from viruses, spyware and pop-ups. Enjoy improvements to performance, ease of use and privacy. It's easy to import your favorites and settings and get started. Download Firefox now and get the most out of the Web.

Here to Download for free:

Updating IE question?

how can I find out what version of IE I have, and how do I upgrade it? My bank says I am having trouble with their website because it has something to do with my computer, not their website. When I try to access my account, it says the server won't let me. The bank says I may need to update my IE. How? Everything worked fine just a few days ago, then boom --- it doesn't work anymore. I talked to the bank's IT dept.

Updating IE question?internet browser

latest version

Updating IE question?windows media center internet explorer

forget IE
Best Advise Get: Mozila Firefox at

Otherwise to get the version of your IE Goto(in you IE browser) [Help] Then [About Internet Explorer] and it gives you the version. and to update it. See Microsoft for that.
forget IE it sucks get firefox
You can find out what version of IE you have by clicking on "Help" at the top of IE, then clicking on "About Internet Explorer". The newest version should be version 7 as of now. You can upgrade on microsoft's website or probably by doing a windows update. Just go to microsoft's website and searching for "internet explorer 7" or something like that. Hope this solves your problem!!

Why is my IE 7 Browser seeing the CSS Box Model as "subtractive" rather than "additiv

I know there was a bug in IE up til version 5 that incorrectly included padding in the width and height. but it was apparently fixed in IE 6 and 7. I'm on IE 7 now but it's still reading it completely opposite of Firefox (which correctly sees it as additive). And I don't think it's in Quirks Mode because my pages have a DOCTYPE. Any ideas?

Why is my IE 7 Browser seeing the CSS Box Model as "subtractive" rather than "additive" (which it should be)?safari browser

Consult the help manual.

I uninstalled IE 7, but sometimes the icons for IE still show the 7 type icon. What can I do to reme

Uninstalled IE 7, rolled back to IE 6, IE 7 icons still showing in different places?

I uninstalled IE 7, but sometimes the icons for IE still show the 7 type icon. What can I do to remedy this?microsoft sql server


I uninstalled IE 7, but sometimes the icons for IE still show the 7 type icon. What can I do to remedy this?windows themes internet explorer

hey its not a problem...

IE7 files stored in a register file...

when u install IE6...

It upgrade thst registry file...

so its look like this.... its not a problem...
it cannot be done actually the new i.e. 7

have been removed so no worries

but the icon stays the same ... as it is

related and overwritten to i.e. older icon ...

Firefox/IE Explorer - Bookmarks/Favorites Query?

Where are your bookmarks kept in Firefox? Had to reload my OS and (dumb@ss me) forgot to backup my favorites from IE Explorer. I have most of these same bookmarks/favorites in Firefox and would like to export them back to IE Exp. Is this possible?

Firefox/IE Explorer - Bookmarks/Favorites Query?microsoft office 2007

In Firefox...

Bookmarks%26gt;organize bookmarks%26gt;file%26gt;export

save and you should be able to retrieve in IE%26gt;file%26gt;import/ wizard

browse to the following path...

C:\program files\mozilla firefox\bookmarks.html

you should be set from there...instead of C:\drive select the drive your flash drive is installed

Firefox/IE Explorer - Bookmarks/Favorites Query?windows media internet explorer

Firefox bookmarks are stored as HTML files on you computer. It will be located here, but make sure you go to My Computer, then click "Tools", then "Folder Options", then "View", and check "Show all hidden files".

My Computer-%26gt;C Drive-%26gt;Documents and Settings-%26gt;Owner OR Default User OR your account name-%26gt;Application Data-%26gt;Mozilla-%26gt;Firefox-%26gt;Profile-%26gt;whateve... the next folder is-%26gt; and it should be called "bookmarks".

Tons of IE loaded at the same time?

recently my PC is acting weird. whenever i open IE.. another IE would load and close almost immediately. which means 2 IE would load and 1 of the would close. sometimes it will direct me to some WinAntiware site. worse cases.. while surfting thru youtube, it hanged for 5min. i left it open since i thought it was going to load.

after the 5 min freeze.. TONS and i really means TONS of IE loaded, its like it keep loading.. with the same page im surfting.. i kept pressing alt f4 for like a min till it stopped. any suggestions?

Tons of IE loaded at the same time?windows nt

You have spyware somehow. This is a common symptom of spyware. You need to remove it. Try downloading Spybot and removing all the problems.

Tons of IE loaded at the same time?windows 95 internet explorer

Your operating system is defective. I recommend replacing

it with one of:

or if you can spend some money:
Elana I love you.
You been browser hijacked. There a program that loads itself as a tool bar or helper object in IE...its making the windows popup like that....

I would check the manage addons option in IE


disable anything that looks funny and if you can locarte and delete them for good...
Just don't use IE. IE sucks. Go to using Firefox instead!

Can anyone download IE 7.0 Beta 2?

IE 7.0 Beta 2 says for developers and IT pros, but can anyone download it? Is there any known problems with IE 7.0 Beta 2? I have IE 6.0 with SP2

Can anyone download IE 7.0 Beta 2?windows media player 11

yes anyone can download it, go to as for problems, thats what beta is for so theres bound to be bugs to be fixed.

Can anyone download IE 7.0 Beta 2?microsoft publisher internet explorerBeta is no more available for download... check out for yourself... Report It

Anyone can download it. Get it here:
yes you can download it
Yes, anyone can download it...

BUT NOT everyone can install it unless you have a genuine copy of Windows...

It validates it first before installation...

To download, use the link below:

Ie/ei spelling rule sentence?

Okay, I know the "I before E" poem by heart. But there was a sentence in one of my spelling books that had all the *exceptions* in it, and it started:

"Neither weird species of financier..."

...or something like that. I want to know the whole thing because the ei/ie rule is the one I have the hardest time with. There are so many exceptions. Can anybody help?

Ie/ei spelling rule sentence?

Neither financier seized either weird species of leisure.

Ie/ei spelling rule sentence?microsoft windows xp internet explorer

I think you were trying to get either this:

Neither financier seized either weird species of leisure.

or this:

Neither sheik dared leisurely seize either weird species of financier.

and probably not this:

Any beings decreeing such ogreish, albeit nonpareil,

homogeneity must be nucleic protein-deficient from sauteing

pharmacopoeial caffeine and codeine!

(even though it contains even more of the exceptions!!)

However, you might find this useful as it is in rhyme form and thus a little easier to remember:

“I” before “E” except after “C”

Or when sounded like “A”, as in “neighbor” and “weigh”

Except “seize” and “seizure”, and also “leisure”,

“Weird”, “height” and “neither”, “forfeit” and “either”.

Good luck!


Microsoft IE error?

hi recently my IE is showing this error whenever i type a URL.pls help

Error window shows:

Microsoft Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.

And asks for send error report or not and it closes IE

pls help me what to do

Microsoft IE error?opera browser

Don't use microsft IE, use Mozilla's Firefox!!!

Microsoft IE error?microsoft windows internet explorer

Yeah, it is about as stable as jelly sometimes. download firefox instead.
Send the error report and do windows update. If that doesn't fix it, then reinstall Interent Explorer.

? Have you received this error in Windows XP service Pack 2 "Microsoft Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. If you were in the middle of something, the information you were working on might be lost. Restart Microsoft Internet Explorer. Please tell Microsoft about this problem. We have created an error report that you can send to help us improve Microsoft Internet Explorer. We will treat this report as confidential and anonymous. To see that data this error report contains, click here."?

? Here is Microsoft's page about this error.


? Here is the fix for that error.


? TIP: When I receive this error I just drag the error box down below the bottom of the screen where I can longer see it and continue surfing the web. If you click either of the buttons on the error box all browser windows will close.
More than likely you are a victim of poorly written spyware/malware. Scan your computer and remove all the nasties from it. There are some free tools you may find useful listed at for taking care of the issues. Once you have removed the problems then using firefox is not a bad idea to help prevent against new infestations.

Vista is closing all my IE windows??

Every once a while Vista would close all my IE windows. It would show up with messege like "Vista has enouter some problem" or "IE has encounter some problem."

And Vista CLOSE all my IE windows. I was in the middle of researching, and all my infor was lost. I have to redo eveything.

I wasn't running anything weird in the background. I was only running with IE. Plus this is a new laptop.

I admit I open a lot of windows and tabs (about 3 windows each with 6 tabs). But my old xp desktop could handle more.

What is going on? Why is vista such a control freak?

Vista is closing all my IE windows??windows defender

vista has lots of bugs to still be worked out. just make sure you have all the latest updates because they are working on those bugs and releasing patches for them. good luck!

Vista is closing all my IE windows??windows updates internet explorerVery common problem for me too. Vista sucks! Report It

it has nothing to do with vista. it's IE. or you could be opening stuff to fast.
Sounds like vista doesn't want you getting smart.

Problem with ie sp2 ie has encountered a problem and needs to close?

ie has encountered a problem and needs to close

every time i try to open ie this happens i try spybot and adware no luck. i also tried installing ie 7 no luck, so i removed ( not a big fan of it) i researched the mircosoft page it said to call them. this is what i get when i click here

error signature:

appname: iexplore Appver: 6.0.2900.2180 modname: unknown modver:o.o.o.o offset aa009cb6

Problem with ie sp2 ie has encountered a problem and needs to close?windows vista ultimate

All Microsoft sites requires Internet Explorer and sometimes Active X (which only IE uses) to function correctly. IE even not recommended for surfing uninstalling it is not recommended either. IE is necessary on PC for few reasons:

-in order to be able receive Micriosoft updates

-in order to preserve Windows integrity which IE is part of.

Reinstall IE from Windows disc and if problem persist try using instruction from this page (you can ignore warning at the top):


Besides you could download free Ewido 3,5 scanner. After installing:

1. Do not upgrade

2. Disable ewido service

3. Update malwares definitions

4. Run scanner

Problem with ie sp2 ie has encountered a problem and needs to close?default browser internet explorer

Time to go to Firefox...way better than IE.

How to revert to IE 6 after IE 7 has been loaded?

Pl. help. Am using WIN XP Home edition.

Am unable to get to Bank's website via IE 7. They only use IE 6 and advise reverting to IE6.

Must I delete IE 7? And is authentic IE 6 available as a free download? If so, where?


How to revert to IE 6 after IE 7 has been loaded?microsoft net framework

To revert back to IE-6, use your add / remove programs in control panel, just be sure that "Show Updates" is checked up at the top.

How to revert to IE 6 after IE 7 has been loaded?windows xp themes internet explorer

Open up control panel and in there select add/remove programs. In there toward the top right you'll see a check box that says show updates. make sure thats checked. then scroll down the list to internet explorer 7. select uninstall. it'll go back to 6 and restart your pc and you should be good.
delteing ie7 will take you strigh back to ie6 (start%26gt;mycopmuter%26gt;controll pannel%26gt;add promove PROGRAMS%26gt;delte ie7)
there's two ways I know how:

1. delete IE 7 from the control panel. then search on yahoo! or google, or anywhere, to redownload IE 6. it should replace IE7

2. I heard that if you delete IE 7 your computer should (somehow) revert back to IE 6.

I'm not sure if #2 is true, but try one of these two.
just change your bank!
You need to uninstall IE7, and it will revert back to IE6. Do this: Click on Start, Settings, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, and the Show updates box at the top. This will show you the latest version of everything installed on your computer. Scroll down until you find Internet Explorer 7. Remove it, and when it finishes, close Control Panel and restart your computer. It will then be back to IE6, and your banking problem should be solved.
Hi there,

If you want to get Internet Explorer 6 you will need to go to the microsoft website and in the search box type 'internet explorer 6'.

The page should come up and you will be able to download from there. If that doesn't work just keep looking through the download section till you find it, good luck!

There site is at
You can use this program to install previous versions of IE alongside IE7 without affecting your IE7 installation. It's free.
You could try using System Restore to revert back to a restore point made before IE7 had been installed. I've done this today, not just because of IE7, I'm now back on IE6, but to restore a rather confused C drive ( I can't resist in messing about!). Always set a restore point before making changes or downloading stuff.
do what geeks quad says /ive just done it and im back to ie6

Problem with ie sp2 ie has encountered a problem and needs to close?

ie has encountered a problem and needs to close

every time i try to open ie this happens i try spybot and adware no luck. i also tried installing ie 7 no luck, so i removed ( not a big fan of it) i researched the mircosoft page it said to call them. this is what i get when i click here

error signature:

appname: iexplore Appver: 6.0.2900.2180 modname: unknown modver:o.o.o.o offset aa009cb6

Problem with ie sp2 ie has encountered a problem and needs to close?windows vista ultimate

All Microsoft sites requires Internet Explorer and sometimes Active X (which only IE uses) to function correctly. IE even not recommended for surfing uninstalling it is not recommended either. IE is necessary on PC for few reasons:

-in order to be able receive Micriosoft updates

-in order to preserve Windows integrity which IE is part of.

Reinstall IE from Windows disc and if problem persist try using instruction from this page (you can ignore warning at the top):


Besides you could download free Ewido 3,5 scanner. After installing:

1. Do not upgrade

2. Disable ewido service

3. Update malwares definitions

4. Run scanner

Problem with ie sp2 ie has encountered a problem and needs to close?default browser internet explorer

Time to go to Firefox...way better than IE.

How does the ie setup program detect that a newer version is installed?

i need to completely remove anything to do with ie on my comp i want a fresh install ie6...

can anyone help

oh, please dont tell me to go to add/remove programs....(well done ur a genius)

and please dont tell me to intsallthe latest of ie, i cant my registry is messed up, and it wont install , so i need to completely remove ie

How does the ie setup program detect that a newer version is installed?windows mobile

Before IE installs, it checks the registry for any and all versions that are already installed on your machine. If you wish to run an older version then you are now running, and if you are running XP, and the version of IE was an upgrade, simply navigate to the "Windows" folder My Computer/"C"/Windows, locate the upgrade in the "Uninstall" files (they are highlighted in blue) and uninstall the new version. You will then be able to install an older version.

How does the ie setup program detect that a newer version is installed?safari browser internet explorer

go start menu

select windows update

and follow....
It might be better to install IE7 as that should fix many of your problems.

Alternatively, download Firefox instead.
Here's a link to the Microsoft Installer Cleanup utility. It's used to clear up any screw-ups with programs. At least take a look at it.

IE 7 and cleanup disk -deleting internet files?

Question # 1 I have found that Internet Explorer 7 is available for a free download at How do I find what version of IE I am now running, and if I don't have IE 7 should I download IE 7 ? Question # 2 About a year ago, someone looked at this home computer (runs Windows XP Pro) and did a disk cleanup by getting rid of Temporary Internet now shows I have 89,000 temporary internet files. How would I perform a thorough, yet safe, disk cleanup, tell it to take away ALL temporary internet files ? This is a standalone home computer. I run AVG free edition, Spybot, Ad-Aware, and Windows Defender.

IE 7 and cleanup disk -deleting internet files?microsoft internet explorer

IE 7 is in the Release Candidate 1 phase. This is the final Beta phase before Final release. There are some sites and programs that will not support IE 7 as long as it is still in Beta testing. This is solved with a little (very small) program that makes those sites and programs think IE 7 is IE 6. Sounds nut, but, it works. I use it with IE 7 and it works great. I recomend you download and use IE 7. You will love it. You will have to find and learn the differences of you current IE browser.

Here is the programs to fool the ones that don't support IE 7 yet. Select the "Internet Explorer 6" link and then click OK for the next to boxes that pop up. If you install this after downloading IE 7 then restart the computer after downloading this program so it will work properly.

To clean your computer do the following:

Go to Start%26gt;All Programs%26gt;Accessories%26gt;System Tools%26gt;Disk Cleanup. Run this program. Put a check in every box(even if is says it is empty) and then click OK.

Now follow the same path and select Disk Defragment%26gt;run this and defragment your hard drive.

Now do this: Exit all running programs including those in the Sysem Tray (by the clock) and including your Browser. Go to Start%26gt;Run%26gt;type: %temp%%26gt;click OK%26gt;in this window go to the menu bar to EDIT and click Select All%26gt;you should have noticed the menu expand to show the delete option. Click it and delete everything.

Here is what you should do at least once a week: Go to Tools%26gt;Internet Options%26gt;General tab (it should open on this tab)%26gt;Delete Cookies and Temp Files buttons%26gt;go to Clear Hisory button and click it. Click Apply then OK.

Once you have IE 7 and get to the General Tab then go to the Browsing History and click the delete button. Another window will open and you will then delete the Cookies, Temp Files and History.

IE 7 and cleanup disk -deleting internet files?microsoft downloads internet explorer

answer #1- open up IE click help up top-then about internet explorer. there you will find your version. no you should not download it yet. i tried it along with some of my IT buddies and its not ready for everyday use yet. there are still some bugs they need to work out. if you dont have IE6 you should get that.

answer #2-to get rid of temp internet files-open up IE click tools up top-click internet options-click delete files-it may ask you if you want to delete offline content as well choose yes. thats all there is to it. good luck
1... to find out what vrsion you are running..just click on the HELP BUTTON. and then ABOUT INTERNET EXPLORER..

to get safely rid of all the temp internet files do this.%26gt;START%26gt; ALL PROGRAMMES%26gt; ACCESSORIES%26gt; SYSTEM TOOLS%26gt; DISC CLEANUP.. and click on the TEMP INTERNET FILES%26gt; ok
# 1 - To find out your current version, click Help | About Internet Explorer on the IE menu. I can't tell you whether or not to download the newest version - that's your call. However, it's a release 1 candidate so it's not quite finished yet. I generally avoid anything that's a release one or a pre-release since they tend to be buggy. I like to wait for a subsequent release as it will tend to be more stable.

# 2 - To safely delete your files (and wow, you have a lot of them) do this:

a. Close all instances of Outlook Express and Internet Explorer and Windows Explorer since it also uses the Internet.

b. Access the Control Panel from the Windows start menu.

c. Once in the Control Panel you want Internet Options.

d. One the General tab, click the "Delete Files" button in the Temporary Internet Files section.

e. When prompted place a check in: "Delete all offline content", and click OK. This removes the junk files such as downloaded files, zero byte files created by Outlook Express and many other hidden files that reside in your cache.

It may take a while for all the files to delete since you have so many of them :)
well i don't know about the first question but to your 2 question right click your Internet explore icon go to properties and a window will open you will see a few icons like delete cookies, delete files etc click on them it will clear all your temp files and cookies you can even clear your history, and suggest you try to defragment you hard drive too.

click start

go to accessories

system tools

disk defragment.

there is a disk cleanup there too.

IE Crashing with this new toolbar trying to auto update.?

There is a major problem happening with Yahoo toolbar trying to auto update when starting IE and causing IE to crash. I know the fix it to remove the toolbar and to re-install the new version. But there are a lot of people with the toolbar. Does Yahoo expect the millions of people that have it to remove it?

Also what about the company鈥檚 they have thousands of pc where the employees do not have admin right... do they expect all the IT people who work for these company to do all this work before IE will work.. Just for the toolbar update problem that is yahoo鈥檚 problem. I think Yahoo need to fix their problem and no us!!!!

IE Crashing with this new toolbar trying to auto update.?microsoft zune

First off, if it is not working, you should uninstall it, and wait until Yahoo! has made a fix for it.

You chose to download the Toolbar, just the other millions did. Yahoo did not MAKE you install it.

I have Yahoo toolbar and it is working just fine. I would think that maybe your computer may have something else wrong with it...maybe some spyware or a virus on it. Try running a spyware checker and virus scan to see what you come up with. Then reinstall Yahoo! Toolbar.

As for the thousands of employees who don't have Admin rights on their computer. They don't need to be loading up the Yahoo! Toolbar (or any other toolbar) while they are at work...the toolbars may cause trouble for their computers, and the would not be able to get any work done.

Yahoo! is probably working on fixing the toolbar as we speak....if there is a problem with it.

IE Crashing with this new toolbar trying to auto update.?windows nt internet explorer

well, you have two lemons: yahoo toolbar (untested and shaky) and IE (porous and slow) I suggest axing yahoos tool bar and getting firefox browser.
Well the smart answer is don't install toolbars! ever!

They slow down your system, and hijack your webpages like search and your homepage. And plus they take up valuable web-surfing room on your display.

So get rid of it... and don't install another!
I agree with you. I updated my yahoo toolbar and IE stop working. It would flash up for a moment and go away. I had to perform a repair from my windows xp to get it to work. I went to a tech support website and found a forum where several people had the same problem and discovered it was the yahoo toolbar.

By the way, for those who say Yahoo may be working on the problem, there have been reports since July on this issue. It is not an isolated case.

IE 7...How do I open my Bookmarks in tabs with IE 7?

I can open all my Bookmarks in tabs in Firefox, but not in IE 7.Is it possible to open my bookmarks in tabs in IE 7?

IE 7...How do I open my Bookmarks in tabs with IE 7?microsoft net

Click the star-shaped icon in the upper-left area of the screen.

IE 7...How do I open my Bookmarks in tabs with IE 7?microsoft flight simulator internet explorer

No problem, open your favorites, right click on the site, and choose open in new tab
In order to open all of your bookmarks in tabs at the same time, you need to put them all in a folder within your bookmarks. Then click the star shaped icon in the upper left to show your bookmarks. Then hover over the folder which contains the bookmarks you want to open. You should see a blue arrow appear next to the folder. Click that arrow to open all the bookmarks within that folder in tabs.

IE Crashing with this new toolbar trying to auto update.?

There is a major problem happening with Yahoo toolbar trying to auto update when starting IE and causing IE to crash. I know the fix it to remove the toolbar and to re-install the new version. But there are a lot of people with the toolbar. Does Yahoo expect the millions of people that have it to remove it?

Also what about the company鈥檚 they have thousands of pc where the employees do not have admin right... do they expect all the IT people who work for these company to do all this work before IE will work.. Just for the toolbar update problem that is yahoo鈥檚 problem. I think Yahoo need to fix their problem and no us!!!!

IE Crashing with this new toolbar trying to auto update.?microsoft zune

First off, if it is not working, you should uninstall it, and wait until Yahoo! has made a fix for it.

You chose to download the Toolbar, just the other millions did. Yahoo did not MAKE you install it.

I have Yahoo toolbar and it is working just fine. I would think that maybe your computer may have something else wrong with it...maybe some spyware or a virus on it. Try running a spyware checker and virus scan to see what you come up with. Then reinstall Yahoo! Toolbar.

As for the thousands of employees who don't have Admin rights on their computer. They don't need to be loading up the Yahoo! Toolbar (or any other toolbar) while they are at work...the toolbars may cause trouble for their computers, and the would not be able to get any work done.

Yahoo! is probably working on fixing the toolbar as we speak....if there is a problem with it.

IE Crashing with this new toolbar trying to auto update.?windows nt internet explorer

well, you have two lemons: yahoo toolbar (untested and shaky) and IE (porous and slow) I suggest axing yahoos tool bar and getting firefox browser.
Well the smart answer is don't install toolbars! ever!

They slow down your system, and hijack your webpages like search and your homepage. And plus they take up valuable web-surfing room on your display.

So get rid of it... and don't install another!
I agree with you. I updated my yahoo toolbar and IE stop working. It would flash up for a moment and go away. I had to perform a repair from my windows xp to get it to work. I went to a tech support website and found a forum where several people had the same problem and discovered it was the yahoo toolbar.

By the way, for those who say Yahoo may be working on the problem, there have been reports since July on this issue. It is not an isolated case.

IE browser with an Ad pops up when I open FireFox browser.?

After I closed the IE, and start browsing on FireFox and few mins, the IE browser with an Ad pops up again. Does that mean I have a virus on my laptop? Or is there a file I can delete hidden in my laptop rather than format it?


IE browser with an Ad pops up when I open FireFox browser.?microsoft word

that could be the messenger service that comes with windows, it's always on and it is cr ap as all spammers get to use it, to turn it off go to

look for %26gt;tools and download then %26gt; stop messenger

IE browser with an Ad pops up when I open FireFox browser.?windows movie maker internet explorer

More than likely it's spyware, run the program below and if you run into any problems I'd suggest you ask at a reputable support forum such as the ones I have listed under the program links

HijackThis 1.99.1

HijackThis Tutorial - How to use HijackThis to remove Browser Hijackers %26amp; Spyware

HijackReader 1.03 Beta - This is a must to run the program on your own!

Reputable Support Forums

IE crashes when using yahoo email?

Recently IE crashes when using yahoo email. I've not noticed any other symptoms. So, I uninstalled IE and reinstalled. The problem is still there. I reseated memory, no improvement. Anyone else having this problem? Suggestions? Thx, Jim

IE crashes when using yahoo email?microsoft windows






In Internet explorer at top of window on the left in grey area

select tools

then internet options

then choose delete temporary files, cookies ,browser history etc

- then another box will open - select delete all

-Then close explorer then open again .At first pages will be slow once

and then will load fast after it loads 1 time.Also email etc you will have to sign in 1 time with password etc.

This will create new cookies.

then also go to start at bottom of on task bar.

click start 1 time then select find or search depending on your operating system.

Select all files and folders - then type in defrag and click search.When icons come up double click

and new box will come up - select analyze then you will see how fragmented you are -

then choose defrag.You can put this program on your desk top by right clicking on the icon you found in search for defrag.

Right click choose create short cut.This will put a short cut on your desk top.Then you can use as needed in future.

then go start on blue bar (task bar)

choose search or find

then choose all files and folders

then type in disk clean up

when you see this icon

double click

choose c drive

let it run

then click ok

so you dont have to do this again

go back to same icon

right click

choose create short cut on desk top

close all windows

a new icon will be on your desk top

then you can run it when you want to



this link applys to a lot of problems you may be having




E-Mail address for Yahoo!customercare is

call yahoo 1-866-562-7219 -- 1 877 469 7847

IE 7 Bug (shaking address bar)?

IE 7 was working for a while, but recently when i try to use, everytime i click near the address bar, it and the the tabs bar shake up and down really quickly, and i'm not able to do anything on it and must ctrl+alt+delete to close it. I tried uninstalling it 2x, and still get the same problem. Does anyone know why this is?

P.S. I have firefox , and i prefer IE, and i also run a couple of spyware/adware checks, but it didnt help it

IE 7 Bug (shaking address bar)?windows media player

Contact microsoft and ask them for help...

Uninstalling IE?

I get ridiculous amounts of pop-ups, and I have Norton, i've downloaded and anti-spy ware and ad ware, but they still keep coming up. I downloaded Mozilla since I've heard better things about it, but now i want to uninstall IE in hopes the pop-ups will go away.

When I went to uninstall IE, it says something like "if you wish to uninstall IE, all of these programs that have been downloaded using IE may not work properly." Is that just a scheme so I don't uninstall it, or will it really do damage to my programs?

Uninstalling IE?nintendo ds browser

What it says is "If these programs depend on IE they may not work properly after it is removed."

It should not do damage to your programs. Because the programs IE uses is either updates for IE or plugins that you downloaded that will only be used by IE. So there is a 99.9% chance that it will not mess up any of you programs.

But if for some odd reason it does mess up you programs then you can alway re-install IE.

Uninstalling IE?windows 98 internet explorer

most general appz will not be affected. But, if you downloaded programs that install IE specific plug-ins, you could loose the ability to run them. But I doubt that most of your programs such as games, microsoft office, adobe reader etc, should be affected
Go in control panel %26amp; uninstall from their .
It's not a good idea to uninstall IE. It could have some bad effects on your system.

Try running your anit-virus and anti spyware in safe mode. This will get rid of the cr*p you can't get rid of normally.

Safe mode:

Restart you PC and as it starts, keep hitting the F8 key. You will have the option to get into safe mode then.
If I was you, I would just leave IE alone and DONT uninstall it, because things like windows update DO use IE. Plus if you just leave IE alone it cant hurt you.
It really could cause some programs not to work.

I don't think IE7 is the cause of the popups, other than it's more vulnerable to spyware and other things.

I would suggest downloading a few programs to clean up your computer.


? CC Cleaner (run both internet cleaner, and registry tools)

? Windows Registry Mechanic

? Run this free tool

(searches/removes spyware, grayware, malware, etc.)

Next, I would check to see what's starting up with your computer by clicking run, then typing "msconfig". This will pop open a window and you want to click the startup tab. If your unsure of what these items are you can always google the process name to determine if it's an ok program.

Also, I would check your add/remove program list to see if there are any suspect programs in there.

Example 800 Search Assistant . If you find anything, remove it.
ull wreck ur system if u do,jus ese firefox exclusivly
Internet Explorer cannot be uninstall from the computer because it is part of your Operating System ( Windows). If you attempt to remove you will be loosing important files to operate your computer. So don't uninstall.

It will not hurt your system by leaving it be and it won't interfere with firefox. When you are using firefox as your Browser Internet explorer won't make the popups appear since it is not running.

Popups can be stopped by the Browser itself look in the toolbar for an option to stop popups , I'm sure you will find it.

If you don't find any your antivirus and spyware programs won't help as they are not designed to stop popups . You need to download a free anti popup program from the web such as Adware which stops and removes advertisement popup windows

IE from Yahoo?

I downloaded the IE from Yahoo.But,If I want to revert back to my old IE,can I do So,and How?

IE from Yahoo?ireland

yes you can go back to old ie just go to add remove take ie 7 off drive then reboot you will be back to ie6 then

Ie toolbar back to original state?

I have too much stuff on my ie toolbar!!! I just want my normal ie toolbar back. How do this??

Ie toolbar back to original state?windows firewall

Right click on your toolbar, unlock it, then untick what you don't want. Afterwatfd go to Customize and add / remove any other icons as you prefer then relock the toolbar and close all browser windows. When you reopen a new browser window, the changes that you had made should be reflected.

Ie toolbar back to original state?microsoft frontpage internet explorer

If you mean u have alot of toolbar, go to control panel and uninstall them.

IE 7 with Yahoo mess up my whole Yahoo Network?

I was so excited when they came up with this browser. After downloading...

1. Yahoo Mail - messages cant be read in a html/mime format and I can't click on Compose.. etc. My mailbox is totally messed up. IE wont even allow me to download Yahoo Beta version.

I can't play game on yahoo either. My messager is not working right too. I have been trouble shooting on this issue for 3 days straight and it gives me backache and headache. I even uninstall in and it went back to IE6 but still the problem persist. The funny part is that I can't even play on my window media player. It won't open.

IE is very dissapointing. I really regret. Please help

IE 7 with Yahoo mess up my whole Yahoo Network?uninstall internet explorer

I had a Problem after downloading IE7. Icalled AT%26amp;T Yahoo and they guided me thru steps that resolved my problems.

IE 7 with Yahoo mess up my whole Yahoo Network? internet explorer

Try to re-install it...its working fine with me and for others...

Thats all what i can say..
use firefox for browsing. You can use it together with any version of IE. You can even use both the browsers together at the same time if needed.

IE 7. I have IE 7 installed and when I go to my yahoo mail it says it's logging in but then IE

Has anyone else had this issue with IE 7 and yahoo mail?

IE 7. I have IE 7 installed and when I go to my yahoo mail it says it's logging in but then IE shuts server 2003

Yahoo has been having major server issues since at LEAST Jan. 10, seemingly just with particular servers. And what's happening to you is unfortunately one of the many problems that people are having because of them, and Yahoo doesn't seem to be in any particular hurry to solve them. And the problems are not just w/Yahoo Beta or IE7; I and others not using either are having similar problems. But both do have more problems; if you're using Beta, it's still in the testing stage and has a lot of problems, so go back to original Yahoo mail, and the same w/IE7, go back to IE6 until MS irons out all the problems.

I've had to use another acct.provided free by my ISP to send/rcv important e-mails since Jan. 10, and it's been working just fine the whole time. If you don't have another acct.w/another provider besides Yahoo, I'd strongly advise to get one; it makes a good backup in case of problems like this.

Please see my posting from Fri. Jan. 12 under the heading "Anyone having problems of any kind w/Yahoo Mail, PLEASE READ THIS" for more info and on reporting problems to Yahoo.

Since that original posting, they've also sent another e-mail that they've escalated the problem (or should I say problems!) to their engineering department, which is an indication of major problems, and not just a minor S/W "glitch." And again, these problems are not exclusive to Yahoo's Beta, but it does seem to compound the existing problems. This would indicate to me that there are also compatibility issues btwn. the H/W and S/W, besides the server problems.

So it's not anything you're doing, your computer, or your internet connection, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. And BTW, deleting temp files (which your computer automatically does anyway every time you shut down your computer), cookies, or history will absolutely NOT fix the problem, nor will running disk cleanup or defrag or a system restore.

IE 7. I have IE 7 installed and when I go to my yahoo mail it says it's logging in but then IE shuts xp service internet explorerSo glad to hear that, Tim, it makes submitting these A's meaningful knowing they help some. And most sincere thanx, my friend, for your vote and rating. Sincerely, Alex Report It

try mozzila firefox
First, install Firefox, it's a much better browser.

Then uninstall IE. Your browser is crashing because of a corrupted file in IE. It could be a script coming from Yahoo mail and IE can't deal with it.

Reinstall IE after you reboot, if you'd like, but after you use firefox for a week you will never go back to that inferior product.

How can I reinstall IE 6 after IE was deleted since theres no IE can I install IE from another websi

IE was deleted how can I reinstall IE when it has been deleted, can reinstallment of IE be installed from another website such as firefox? I have windows xp...Please help, Thanks very much.

How can I reinstall IE 6 after IE was deleted since theres no IE can I install IE from another website?windows media player 10

it is still there you just deleted the shortcut.

search ur computer for it



all files and folders

internet explorer

something should come up

How can I reinstall IE 6 after IE was deleted since theres no IE can I install IE from another website?microsoft net internet explorer

go to and do the updates then it'll automatically install ie7

this is IE 7 worth better than the old one
Look on this site:

But Firefox is better:
just use firefox, its faster and more secure
you can do a system restore point by going 2 programs-accessories- system tools - system restore. and do this to a time month earlier
IE Was not Deleted, You would of known it severly, if this was the case, IE is integrated into Windows and Windows Explorer, the shortcut may have been deleted, even when folks uninstall it from Add/Remove Programs, It's still on the Machine, Look in C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer... Good Luck
yes, try it.

If for some reason you can't download it. Insert the CD your computer came with and reinstall IE. Then update from there.
If it's not just a missing shortcut go to Add/Remove Programs %26gt; Add/Remove Windows Components, check its box and "Apply" or "OK".

now wait a sec guys think about this. if there is no IE then how the heck are you going to get to you need IE to get there. ok i know this sounds crazy and don't shoot me for suggesting you bargin with the devil but you know all those AOL discs you've been getting in the mail for the last 100 years... this is your ticket to freedom. as crazy as i sound go and install that disc. if your missing IE it will give you SOME version of it. once you havce that you can go get whatever you want for interenet browser

IE 6 7 or firefox for something else doesnt amtter you will have what you need after you install AOL even if you dont have aol and dont plan to (which idont plan to either) it will install what you need for you.

IE doesn't work right after I do some windows updates?

I did the latest windows updates and I could get my home page to come up but if I searched a seperate IE window would come up and both IE windows would freeze. I'd have to restart the computer and the same thing would happen. I've run system restore and IE works properly until the updates come back up and I download them and then the same thing happens. I've run AdAware, AVG, Housecall and can't find any viruses. The only thing I can figure out is something is up with the download. Anybody else ever have this problem or has any ideas that can help?

IE doesn't work right after I do some windows updates?microsoft powerpoint

i think wat you should do is get firefox

go to

ie stinks its awful

ive also got that problem so i never used ie

if there are sites dat requires ie go to firefox extensions and get ie tab and when you get 2 a site dat requires ie click it and it'll do something dat allows you 2 use ie

IE 7.0 on Windows XP going CRRAAZZZYYY! Help???

Hello and thanks in advance for your help.

****I asked this question before and ended up going with FireFox....however my husband REFUSES to use anything other than IE so I need help with IE itself. Please DO NOT recommend FireFox. I use it, and I LOVE it... but he does not.*****

My IE browser is going CRAZY. Whenever I open a new IE browser (or sometimes just go to a different site) a totally different bar shows up, starting with "File" and "Edit"... and it flickers off and on, making it impossible to click on anything because the link or button I try to click on keeps going up and down! This is driving me insane. It happened before and it went away for a while, but now its back!

My husband and I have run spyware/virus sweepers and it doesn't make this stop!

Pleeeeaaaaassseeeeeeee help!!!!

My homepage is Yahoo! :)

It is IE 7.0

IE 7.0 on Windows XP going CRRAAZZZYYY! Help???microsoft

I'm sorry to say it but get firefox. lol there is no reason to have IE

IE 7.0 on Windows XP going CRRAAZZZYYY! Help???microsoft access internet explorerYes, go back to IE 6.0. if you have an issue you can't locate easily. Start a NEW a NEW USER. I fooled IE when it's behavior went nuts %26gt; something got into my files. It worked fine after that. Report It

Also, I religiously clean my machine with three great freeware tools: CCleaner,Ad-Aware SE Personal, Spybot - Search %26amp; Destroy. Yahoo these. My new Machine, I built -4 GB RAM with XP-Pro - is zipping right along and no IE 7.0 Report It

fool your husband. use this:
IE 7.0 is not compatible in windows xp sp2, if he really want IE just remove the IE 7 upgrade in the control panel%26gt;add remove program... then it will go back to the previous version of IE 6...
Well, cannot surely say anything, however try following tips:

1. Try uninstalling and reinstalling the IE.

2. Scan your computer for potential virus/adware infections.

3. If 1 and 2 do not help try system restore to restore your operating system state on a back date when you are sure you IE worked properly.

This is all what I can suggest you in available information. In fact the problem requires a full diagnostic proceedure to be carried out physically on the system.

Hope these tips will be of help.
Internet Explorer 6 work better, uninstall the IE7.

June attack on IE?

I've been reading in several places whispers about a coming June attack on Microcrap's IE. Funny story:

I have extremely good security on my computer. I rarely use IE; only when I absolutely have to (some sites required for my business only accept IE) otherwise, I use Firefox. I ran a scan with my SpyOnThis, and it found 70 items, most of them being in the high to extremely high threat range. I found on inspection of these 70 items that MOST of them were connected to IE/ActiveXcontrols/blah blah.

Considering that I have my cache and cookies dumped automatically every hour, run one antispyware every hour on auto, and two other programs manually about every two hours, have a very good anti-virus that scans every 24 hours (full system check), run my Crap Cleaner once a day, etc. would you say that there is an attack going on? I've never, EVER had that many high-end objects show up during a scan, and I ran IE ONCE last night.

Anyone else showing up a lot of junk on their scans?

June attack on IE?windows explorer

First, your Firefox browser isn't any safer than IE. The only reason you didn't get infections using it, is because, few people used it and the bad guys didn't waste their time and efforts on it. Now that more people are using it, they have found the weak links in it and are now infecting computers through firefox.

I use IE6, and since I learned about the different types of Malware, and how to protect my computer, I've had no infections in 5 months. Since you are being infected your protection isn't that good.

You need to get rid of the infections first. Go here and run the online scan and let it remove anything it finds and lists. Before running this download the latest version of Java here. Then remove any previous versions.

If any infections remain then go here and follw the procedure and run the AS programs she lists.

Here is a package that will protect your computer and is all Free!

Make sure your computer is set up for AutoUpdate for Microsoft/Windows Updates. Use Automatic Updates.

Firewall - If you have Windows XP with the SP2 then use the Firewall supplied with it. It is excellent. If not then use:

Zone Alarm Free version.

Anti-Virus - AVG 7.1 Free or AVAST Free. Both are excellent and better than most you pay for. Use only one AV program.

Anti-Spy - Windows Defender Beta 2, Spybot Search %26amp; Destroy, AdAware SE Personal. If you use the Yahoo Toolbar with AS, continue to use it. If not, I recommed, downloading the toolbar and using the AS. It is the eTrust Pest Patro AS program and is excellent.

The Windows Defender and Yahoo AS will be the only two AS that run all the time. Spybot and AdAware will be used for scans only.

All the AV/AS and Zone Alarm can be downloaded here.

This next program will work with your AV and AS programs and stop infections before they get a chance to install. It will find stuff already on and help remove it automatically. It will also protect against infected Email attachments. Do Not use as stand alone protection.

This next program will alert you to sites that could or will infect you. They have tested many sites and have rated them and will give you a color warning.

I use an eTrust AV program and the Windows Firewall. Everything else listed here I use. No infection in 5 months.

I installed this exact package on my neighbors computer 3 months ago and he hasn't been infected. He likes to download Porn and free games.

June attack on IE?microsoft zune internet explorer

from what I hear it gives alot of false positives
SpyOnThis is considered a "rogue/suspect "anti-spyware program that has been known to use false positives as a goad to purchase the product. Have a look here:

Scroll down to SpyOnThis.

Spybot Search and Destroy is a far better it is free!
Spyware is in the eye of the beholder.

One persons spyware is another persons legitimate marketing tool is another persons software functionality enhancement.

I too, run all of the protection that is feasible (feasible = cheap or free + convenient) and try to keep away from the worst of the web's offerings.

As far as an IE attack, I think you answered the question. IE is under attack every day. My daily scans turn up about 30 new cookies.

IE 6 still has search button (a magnifier), IE 7 does not have it, how do I get it back ?

In old IE 6, it has a search button on top, when you click it, it brings you 2 windows, left shows the search engine you selected, right shows the result of your click on the left. Now, this feature is gone in IE 7, how to get it back ?

IE 6 still has search button (a magnifier), IE 7 does not have it, how do I get it back ?replacement windows

IE7 has various changes, you now must use your yahoo search or google. also fav's are the the star, but it is much faster

IE won't connect?

My mother's pc is connecting to the internet, however IE won't load. The page comes up blank and just reads as "IE is connecting". It seems to freeze the pc and shut down is necessary. I cannot access any website from her pc, and even Norton's freezes when trying a Live Update. Any idea of what the problem is and how I can fix it?

IE won't connect?internet explorer

Tell your Mom to switch to DSL for the price difference today its worth it. There must be a connection problem somewhere that is causing this problem.If your Mom is running Windows XP try a system restore and go back to a day the connection worked.If not try this go to control panel and then network connections and double click on the connection your Mom is using.Click on support and then click on repair see if that works.I'll list some links in source to help you troubleshoot the problem.

IE won't connect?microsoft office internet explorer

Sounds like it cant connect to the internet if it doesnt dispaly a webpage and also cant conenct to nortons live update.

Check you internet connections settings and leads.
Do you have Firewall SW active. You could try with this off and also see that failing applications have trusted access.

IE 7 problem?

When i save a web page, and open it offline(after disconnecting the net), the page is not opening. It is showing some error message and the saved page is not opening. There was no problem opening saved page using IE 6. Think this problem exists only in IE 7 .Need a solution for this.

IE 7 problem?download ie

Scrap IE7 and use Firefox.

IE 7 problem?windows media player internet explorer

Refer to your "GREEK" manual.
This problem will likely depend on the page you are saving. If it is a flat HTML file, there should be no problems saving the file in either browser.

If the site has certain elements which require live calls to the website's database (AJAX, javascript, etc), there may be problems unreleated to the browser you are using.
I had IE 7 it was always causing problems, I uninstalled it and returned to IE 6. Or use Firefox.

IE 7 shortcuts or hyperlinks won't work until IE already open.?

Windows XP

IE 7.0

Shortcuts to Internet Explorer 7.0 (microsoft update in program files, e-mail shortcut in windows live messenger, and other shortcuts) to internet explorer will not open (nothing happens)

The shortcuts will only work when an instance of Internet Explorer is already open.

IE 7 shortcuts or hyperlinks won't work until IE already open.?ie 6

Check in IE tools/internet options/programs that IE is set as the default browser.

IE 7 shortcuts or hyperlinks won't work until IE already open.?windows vista internet explorer

because IE is a pc of sht
get a real browser;

Firefox notes

Mozilla F.F. add-ons / extensions;

%26gt; Launch firefox browser

%26gt; bookmarks ( on browser toolbar )

%26gt; mozilla firefox

%26gt; customize firefox

Adblock Plus


PDF Download

1-click Answers

Google Toolbar for firefox

Metal Lion-Vista

Firefox Tuning

Rise up the speed of your Firefox Browser:

Open the configuration menu by typing in the following into the field where you normally fill in the URLs:


In the config menu you have to set up the following changes:

- network.http.pipelining (put “true”)

- network.http.proxy.pipelining (put “true”)

- network.http.pipelining.maxrequests put on 100

- network.http.max-connections 48

- network.http.max-connections-per-server 16

- network.http.max-persistent-connections-... 8

- network.http.max-persistent-connections-... 4

You save the changes by clicking the right button of your mouse somewhere on the screen and choose new -%26gt; integer from the menu. Now you have to write nglayout.initialpaint.delay into the popup and type in number 0 into the next window.

That′s it, now you are able to surf much faster threw the internet with your Firefox browser!

about:config ( only while in the forefox browser )

save / back-up firefox bookmarks;

1%26gt; organize bookmarks ( on browser )

2%26gt; file

3%26gt; export

how to customize firefox web browser;

1%26gt; launch firefox browser

2%26gt; r-clik toolbar

3%26gt; customize

4%26gt; drag " new tab " feature form the pallet to the toolbar

%26gt; open new tabs and load a different web site under each tab

%26gt; tab browsing allows many sites to be loaded at the same time

%26gt; delete ICONs from the links bar that you don't use

%26gt; drag frequently used ICONs from the tab to the " links " bar

how to rename the links tabs in firefox;

1%26gt; r-clik links button

2%26gt; properties

3%26gt; edit ( remane )

4%26gt; OK

test Java and Adobe flash player at these sites;


IE/Firefox compatability problems, style sheet's?

Alright, I've been in charge of designing a new site for internal use with our company (I'm an intern, CS major, so HTML coding and web design was not the basis for my education, so I might be missing something obvious). I've used a lot of div blocks to position items, and linked them to buttons that hide and show each piece of information. The problem I get (i'm designing in dreamweave) is that firefox and IE don't agree on placement. I have it optimized for IE right now, and can easily reposition everything to look good in firefox, but not both.

Again, all the positioning is done using div id's, in a large style block at the top. I had read about using different style sheets for different browsers, though I'm not sure how to do that. it seems like it should be possible to detect the browser, and then use the style tags (for instance #misc { position:absolute; left:93px, top:328px }, one set for IE, the other for firefox. Any idea's? Am I making sense? :)

IE/Firefox compatability problems, style sheet's?microsoft vista

Yeah, this is the designer's dilemma. Firefox is closer to being standards-compliant, but more people use Explorer. Boo!

You can use javascript to detect the browser and point to your stylesheet custom-made for that browser:

Or, simple-like, you can use a # in front of the attribute to make firefox ignore it and explorer use it.

For example:

#myDiv {

border: 1px solid #FFF;

float: left;

width: 30%;

margin-left: 30%;

#margin-left: 31%; %26lt;!-- firefox will ignore this and explorer will use it --%26gt;


Good luck!

IE/Firefox compatability problems, style sheet's?windows xp pro internet explorer

You can try using relational positioning as opposed to absolute. Meaning you use percentages instead of fixed sizes.

You can also use a simple Javascript snippet to find the web browser when the user loads the site. Then have it include one css file for IE and another if it is Firefox, and another for Safari, etc.




%26lt;script type="text/javascript"%26gt;

var browser=navigator.appName;

var b_version=navigator.appVersion;

var version=parseFloat(b_version);




You can then use an IF statement to check the browser value, if it is Internet Explorer, then include......css

and so forth
You can create 2 separeted CSS files depending on a browser. You detect what browser is in use and include relevant file like this (in PHP):


$browser = strtok($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "/");


case Opera:

echo "opera";

include "opera.css";


case MSIE:

echo "Microsoft Internet Explorer";

include "ie.css";


case Mozilla:

echo "Mozilla";

include "firefox.css";


case Safari:

echo "Safari";

include "safari.css";



I recommend developing the site/page for Firefox first as it is a more web/css standards compliant browser. Put all your CSS into one stylesheet and link to it in the header per normal.

To handle CSS for IE issues, you will need to apply additional CSS in a separate stylesheet. I suspect the problem that is affecting you is known as the "IE Box Model Effect". Google it to find out more. You can detect the browser in the header with the code below. Add a link to the second stylesheet within the if statement for fixing the problems in IE.

%26lt;!--[if lte IE 6]%26gt;

%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;

@import "";



I set the if statement to check the version number as well. IE7 fixed a lot of the major standards issues but there are a few that remain. So applying hacks for all IE versions may break it in version 7. Typically, the default stylesheet for Firefox will work for IE7 with no issues. You can add a third stylesheet for IE7 with a similar if clause:

%26lt;!--[if gte IE 7]%26gt;

%26lt;style type="text/css"%26gt;

@import "";



I believe this is the best way to handle CSS hacks for browsers as it works with standard HTML. The other methods posted here primarily use javascript which works until you have a user that has javascript disabled. Using PHP only works if you are developing in PHP and have PHP installed on your web server. The other method using # is workable too but can make your stylesheet very difficult to follow/update and breaks in Apple's Safari. The good news is that IE8 will be CSS-compliant but unfortunately, it will take years to get all the users off these old versions of IE even if they have better features and signifcantly better security.

Best of Luck. :0)

IE & Explorer.exe wont run.?

Just downloaded IE 7, saw the problems, did some research and un-downloaded it. Restarted it and everything should run like normal right? Wrong.

My IE, wont run anymore or explorer.exe...I do the Task Manger, and the process pops up for a minute and then dissapers. IE 7 was more workable then this...

Any suggest how to access the internet or get my explorer.exe to run ?

IE %26amp; Explorer.exe wont run.?windows media

put portable firefox on a flash drive and run it off there to get IE 6

IE %26amp; Explorer.exe wont run.?microsoft exchange internet explorer

Uninstall it and go back to what you had before IE7 is great
why not use firefox?

the best browser Mozilla FireFox

Mozilla FireFox Download

IE Flash 9.ocx Error: Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close?

I have been having a problem with Internet Explorer crashing due to Adobe Flash Player, as I know many people have been having the same problem, when IE pops up a gray box telling me that,

"Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close." The error message details were: Flash 9.ocx

I uninstalled Flash Player and vowed never to reinstall it again. That lasted a week, as I could no longer view YouTube videos without Flash Player.

I reinstalled Flash Player, hoping that maybe it wouldn't happen again.

It happened again... and again.

I searched the internet for a solution, as I had done so in the past.

I came across an article (which I can not find again) that suggested the trouble was not the Flash Player, itself, but the that it is the History files that are kept in my IE Browser.

I thought, "Really"?

So, I tried the solution and it worked:

When IE is open,

click on Tools, then

Click on, Delete Browser History.

Then, choose your options after that.

IE Flash 9.ocx Error: Internet Explorer has encountered a problem and needs to close?microsoft updates

Alternative browser to Internet Explorer.

What version of IE are you using? if your not using version 7 i would upgrade from the microsoft web site or windows automatic updates.

HTML Matching in Firefox & IE?

I'm currently working on the code for a website, and everything is wonderful in Firefox. However, when I view the page in blasted IE the div columns do not line up properly with the header.

I also have smaller div layers within the two main columns (navigation div, and news div) that serve as text place holders, just as a design preference, and they are also screwed up in IE, running over the main divs.

I know IE is a baby when it comes to HTML, and so unlike Firefox you have to make sure every little thing (such as px after a #, instead of just the #) must be added in order for IE to read it properly.

If there's anything of that nature that could make a quick fix for my problem, I'm much obliged. But no matter the problem, I still need a solution.


HTML Matching in Firefox %26amp; IE?windows vista home premium

Do you have a DocType at the top of the page? That usually fixes problems like that. You can read more about DocTypes here:

HTML Matching in Firefox %26amp; IE?ie tab internet explorer

Welcome to the wonderful world of web development. The problem you are experiencing is due to Microsoft's inability to conform to the standards put forth by the World Wide Web Consortium. After all they are better than us right? Somehow, other browsers manage to do this without a problem. I suggest developing the two side by side until you get a better handle on the differences in the way the two browsers work.

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