Sunday, November 29, 2009

Can Netscape & IE co exist? I still have IE problems?

I cant change the homepage of IE it always go back to " even if i changed it in the internet properties. Is it because netscape is using it? Should i delete Netscape? I already updated my IE but still not working. Please help!!!

Can Netscape %26amp; IE co exist? I still have IE problems?download windows media player

Netscape versions prior to version 8 did not share anything with Internet Explorer, except for one very odd case of a bookmark issue where Netscape 6 was reading Internet Explorer's bookmarks. I doubt Netscape 8 is causing your problem, and in fact can gaurentee you it is not.

My guess would be that the problem is caused by Microsoft antispyware, or another antispyware tool. The problem is called homepage locking. Some antispyware tools will try and change the homepage to prevent spyware infections. Microsoft's antispyware, called Windows Defender does this and changes it to a Microsoft homepage.

Are you sure you provided me with a correct URL?

If you don't have an antispyware tool, I recommend WebRoot. Webroot (for pay software) gives you control over what homepage your browser(s) use.

Barring that, there is a free piece of software called IE Restrictions which may help.

If you think that Internet Explorer is changing its own settings, try turning off any antispyware tools, and trying this:

8.In Registry Editor, locate the following subkey, if it exists:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Mi... Explorer\Control Panel

9.If the ResetWebSettings value or the HomePage value exists in this key, right-click the values, and then click Delete.

Note You may also want to verify any Web site information contained in the Default_Page_URL value and the Start Page value in the following registry keys:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\I... Explorer\Main

HKEY_ LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Interne... Explorer\Main

HKEY_USERS\Default\Software\Microsoft\... Explorer\Main

10.On the Edit menu, click Delete, and then click Yes to confirm the deletion.

11.On the File menu or on the Registry menu, click Exit to quit Registry Editor.

Can Netscape %26amp; IE co exist? I still have IE problems?internet explorer update internet explorer

They can co-exist no problems... but if you think that has something to do w/ it then change ur netscape homepage too... also be sure your changing the page in right place on IE (tools-%26gt;options-%26gt;homepage)

Are these examples of legal thefts, ie, injustice, ie, theft, ie, cause of violence [war and crime],

univeral misery and millenia-long escalation of war and weaponry to nuclear extinction [soon] - ie, do we have to stop these legal thefts in order to survive and be happy [peace]?

can we determine the point of maximum fortune beyond which fortunes are from legal thefts, ie are overfortunes, thefts, injustices?

1] workvalue of transaction items cannot be equal, ie, must be x and x+y, therefore transaction must be fair-trade-no-robbery [x for x] plus legal theft = y

2] buy land, do nothing, others build city round land, landowner gets the net capital gain [after costs of owning the land] - eg, waldorfs [manhattan], westminsters [london]

3] new technology - built-in high demand/low supply - [everyone wants one, industry gearing up] - owners profit without work

4] rich can afford more stockmarket info - so do better - so stockmarket pumps money from less informed to better informed [eg, film, trading places]

5] 100% of workers build nation - the 10% stock owners reap all

Are these examples of legal thefts, ie, injustice, ie, theft, ie, cause of violence [war and crime], cause of?microsoft word download

Legal, yes. Theft, no. Cause of war, not usually. Greed and lack of love %26amp; of other moral values are the prime causes of war, not injustices.

IE Question?

I have AOL, at a address I used to live, I could sign off aol, and go onto IE and use the net, (by the way I use broadband) I moved to a new address, and when I sign off aol, and go onto IE, it tells me that Im offline? But I have broadband, so I can still use IE even when im off aol. So whats the problem. Thank you

IE Question?microsoft money

go to control panel/Internet properties/conections/LAN settings then automatic detect setting. That should resolve it.

IE Question?windows explorer internet explorer

if you are using ie6 check that "work offline" is not ticked

i dont know where that is on ie7 i just tried to find it
tecnically aol will only let you connect to the net using their software

wot u need to do is set up a dial up connection - dont worry it will read that u have a broadband connections

the secret here though is to enter 0 as the telephone number on the dial up connection

then u should be able to connect to the net through IE

hope that helps ya cos it worked for me when i was with them
There is no problem ..

..all that happens is that you sighn off the AOL server and continue to use your broadband connection but not through the AOL browser only IE ..
Just make sure it's not set to work offline. And forget all that nonsense about AOL only allowing you to connect using their software and setting up a dial up connection - that's absurd.

Just open IE go to tools and uncheck work offline.

Why my IE always go to website i did not request? i go to yahoo beside that new IE go to www.kuaiche

the url my 2nd IE to is this url i did not login. this url open with 2nd IE

Why my IE always go to website i did not request? i go to yahoo beside that new IE go to word 2003

This type of activity is called browser hijacking. You can use one or two free antispyware programs Spybot S%26amp;D and avg free anti spyware should be able to repair it.

Why my IE always go to website i did not request? i go to yahoo beside that new IE go to explorer 6 internet explorer

You've got spyware / virusses installed.

Delete them and you'll be fine!
Click on Tools Menu of IE. Then click on internet options. Then click on General Tab. There Click on Use Blank Button. It will solve your problem
Your browser has been hijacked. Use a Spyware remover, if you have a recent AOL disk you get one free called Spybots. Get it installed and go off the internet, unplug the modem, and run it. Spybots Search and Destroy.

It is freeware, and it works.

It will also set your browser to Not allow sites to install programs.

Never get stuff like those Free Smilies or Free Fonts advertised in pop-up ads or on links on your web page.
Your browser has been hijacked.

Get spybot or ad-aware from or And get a decent antivirus


paid-pc cillin,norton,mcafee etc
Because your IE was affected by spywares and other viruses.

You should get Firefox %26lt;; because it was safer and better browser. Opera %26lt;; should work also. Then you should start scanning your computer.

IE 7 Beta 3 Problems: Cannot click on link inside outlook express and IE history does not display.?

IE 7 = Internet Explorer Beta 3 Version

IE 7 Beta 3 Problems: Cannot click on link inside outlook express and IE history does not display.?windows themes

Try control at the bottom left of your key board.

IE 7 Beta 3 Problems: Cannot click on link inside outlook express and IE history does not display.?internet explorer 7 internet explorer

Same problem here waiting for intelligent answers because Microsoft dont want to know about it'

Take care!
rollback to IE6.

IE7 is still BETA!!!!!!!!!

problems exist, and this is apparently one of them.
Not everyone is IE7 ready. Microsoft doesn't have it figured out yet. Beta=Test.
so thats the cuz your using beta.Try your old IE 6.0

IE 6.0 can't play .mpg files?


I am helping my cousin troubleshooting with his home computer. He has a Windows XP machine with IE 6.0 installed. Whenever he tries to view or access an .mpg file using IE the browser does not display anything.

This is also true when we downloaded the .mpg file onto his workstation, and tried to play it using Windows Media player; video plays but no video image. I know he also has some type of codec installed, but not sure what. Can any ones suggest a solution to this?

Workstation currently has Windows Media player and QuickTime installed.

Thanks in advance.

IE 6.0 can't play .mpg files?windows 2000

try to get more codecs. There are many versions of MPEG video.

IE 6.0 can't play .mpg files?internet explorer internet explorer

try realplayer or vlc media player.
Try open Window Media player. go to tools %26gt; option %26gt; network have to be set up acordingly

Javascript Debugging Possible in IE?

Is there a reliable solution for performing javascript debugging within IE? I'm now used to the brilliant modern solutions within Firefox (ie. Firebug) and so it comes as a great frustration when having to debug the endless IE specific problems. I've tried the VS .NET 2003 debug process on Iexplore.exe but I'd say 99% of the time the technique fails, that is the "Running Documents" tab is never filled with the running javascript files currently in the browser and so I am unable to insert breaks to begin debugging within IE. I've also tried the "debugger" keyword but again IE doesnt acknowledge it. Guesisng where the code will fork to and inserting ALERT statements are killing me.

I'm just looking for a reliable approach to debugging JS issues within IE. VS.NET process debugging more often then not doesnt work and this is just wasting time.

Thanks for any solution.

Javascript Debugging Possible in IE?internet browser

2 things that will help you with script debugging

From within internet explorer: Tool -%26gt; Internet Options -%26gt; Advanced Tab -%26gt; In the browsing section make sure that 'Disable script debugging' is UNCHECKED and 'Display notification about every script error' is CHECKED.

Not as elegant as Moz but workable.

IE 6.0 can't play .mpg files?


I am helping my cousin troubleshooting with his home computer. He has a Windows XP machine with IE 6.0 installed. Whenever he tries to view or access an .mpg file using IE the browser does not display anything.

This is also true when we downloaded the .mpg file onto his workstation, and tried to play it using Windows Media player; video plays but no video image. I know he also has some type of codec installed, but not sure what. Can any ones suggest a solution to this?

Workstation currently has Windows Media player and QuickTime installed.

Thanks in advance.

IE 6.0 can't play .mpg files?windows 2000

try to get more codecs. There are many versions of MPEG video.

IE 6.0 can't play .mpg files?internet explorer internet explorer

try realplayer or vlc media player.
Try open Window Media player. go to tools %26gt; option %26gt; network have to be set up acordingly

I installed IE 7 by update then i uninstall it so i go back to IE 6 but everytime i change web it cr

i installed IE 7 by update then i uninstall it so i go back to IE 6 but everytime i change web address it crashes.. my webpage is yahoo and when i change website for example i put to web address it opens another internet explorer then that internet explorer crashes.....and everytime i open another Internet Explorer it crashes and freezes is it something to do with the installing of IE7 and uninstall again??? i tried many solutions but nothing worked.. and is it some kind of virus?.... and i cant download anything because like i said when it open another internet window it crashes and freezes can someone help please.........

I installed IE 7 by update then i uninstall it so i go back to IE 6 but everytime i change web it crash?microsoft windows xp

IE is BUGGY. Use firefox, thats the best I have ever found, and I'm a senior software programmer, and big fan of Microsoft too.... but IE, it sucks.

I installed IE 7 by update then i uninstall it so i go back to IE 6 but everytime i change web it crash?ie 7 internet explorer

Try to live with IE7. It works well in almost all cases. It is safer and better. Plus you need certain parts of IE to do other things.

If you must, you can download from microsoft's IE site a tool that temporarily fools the web server into thinking that you have IE6.
there problem is not a viruse or anything else, try to open explorer and disable all add ons

check this website it will help u

by the way, try to clean your registery using registery cleaner it's very commun windows applications crash cuz of that, u can check or to get one
IE-7 is a superior version than IE-6. The, why you are trying to retain IE-6. If automatic update is kept 'ON' in Security centre, it will update everything.

Put 'automatic update, in manual setting so that you can choose whether to update or not.

Install IE-6 %26amp; decline update.

It should work.
i know what ur going through, IE-7 is too fancy and newfangled, i'd stick with IE-6, maybe theres a problem with the add/remove program dll, use a registry cleaner or perform a chkdsk to correct errors

Windows XP w/ Service Pack 2 running Internet Explorer 6 after installing security update 942615. This security update caused all kinds of problems, I ended up deleting the update but now there seems to be a "fix" for the issue.

Take a look at the above link for the knowledge base for this problem.

Good Luck

In IE all I can do is go to the home page (yahoo)and click links. Other than that I get "applic

I installed firefox a few days ago and made it my default browser, but then I noticed IE was not working right anymore, so I uninstalled firefox thinking this would fix IE. But now when I open an IE page I get the home page (yahoo) and all I can do is click links on the home page to go to pages (i.e. yahoo answers). But if I try to go to any other website, i.e. by typing an address into the address bar and go to that address, I get "application not found." I have done several system restores, but each time it said the system could not be restored. I also did a virus scan and went to tools and chose reset browser and checked the box that said check if IE is my default browser, and also went to add/remove programs, chose set program access and defaults, chose custom and set internet explorer as the default, then I rebooted, but I still get "application not found." Why am I getting this message in IE and how can I fix it? Thanks. 10 points.

In IE all I can do is go to the home page (yahoo)and click links. Other than that I get "application not foundmicrosoft office 2007

That's why I advise people not to install Firefox - it's too buggy and unstable. Firefox must have messed with the system and disabled something.

Resintall IE7 :

Download IE7 Pro. Free addon that boosts IE7 with features like extra scripts, spell check, adBlocker, Tab History, etc. All in one package. Free and safe to use :

That should help a bit. It might work.

In IE all I can do is go to the home page (yahoo)and click links. Other than that I get "application not foundwindows media internet explorer

To be safe. Download internet explorer (6 or 7) and save it on a folder you know where to find. Close all running programs and browser as well. Then go to control panel - add/remove programs and uninstall which ever ineternet explorer you have there. If your PC prompts you to restart, do it. After, go to the IE you downloaded and install. After it's up and running go to microsoft and manually search %26amp; dowload the latest updates for your PC (in case the windows updates site is not installing the updates). I included this as a precaution. Anyway, right after your new IE is installed it should already be fine.

IE 7/8 help plz?

Ok I called Microsoft I emailed them and yet i cant get help I have vista home Pre. Ed. and for some reason my IE 7.0 is not working it keeps saying the content adviser will not view this page I never set the adviser on and i cant get it off on top of that Microsoft said I CAN'T UNINSTALL IE 7.0 on vista. wtf is up with that. I am using foxfire now but some website i need for work will only work with IE anyone know how to take care of this? BTW roll back dont work and neither does IE reset.

IE 7/8 help plz?microsoft excel

i had the same problem. it would not let me uninstall, would not let me fix. would not let me replace with IE8. i wish i could help you, but at least you know it's not you - it's the program. maybe there will soon be a patch or something. i gave up because i don't need it for anything specific like work. good luck.

IE 7/8 help plz?microsoft updates internet explorer

Have you tried disabling?

Go to "Tools," click "Internet Options," click the "Content" tab and click the "Disable" button. In the Password box, enter your password, and click "OK."

How do I check if internet explorer IE is open or not?

Hi everyone,

I have an advertising board at a remote location running a web page (in IE) that displays advertisements. I already have a way of checking to see if the web server is running or not on the remote machine. However, I would also like to remotely check to see if IE is running or not. Maybe some kind of javascript that checks the remote computer for a file when IE is open (and if IE is not open the file does not exist). And if the file exists, than that would mean the IE is open, and it would display something for me saying so. I ope that I have explained myself properly. Basically I want to be able to log into my administration web site and check to see if IE is open or not (on the remote computer) from anywhere in the world. Does anyone have any ideas?


How do I check if internet explorer IE is open or not?microsoft vista

You can set up logmein on your server and view its screen remotely to check this. I feel a disaster brewing, though. This means you are running the server in a public place? This is very dangerous.

Seroius IE bug?

i am using Firefox, i am not using IE, however, my IE cache is filling up more than my Firefox cache and slowing down my computer. How can the IE cache be filling up more than my Firefox cache if i am not using IE?

should i dump IE?

Seroius IE bug?windows movie maker

You shouldn't delete IE as it will cause overall system instabilty and you could have corrupted operating system files. Also IE is linked with Outlook Express so you can corrupt that as well. IE is also a requirement to obtain any security patches from Microsoft.

The cache may be filling due to these programs that require it.

Seroius IE bug?microsoft project internet explorer

You can't dump IE. You need it for Windows Updates and for some websites that require ActiveX. But maybe you have spyware running in IE.

Keep your anti-spyware solution up to date, and run a full scan every few days. I recommend the free SpyBot Search %26amp; Destroy that you can get from

Good luck and Happy Computing!
Are you trying to use both Firefox and IE as your browsers, or are you just using Firefox? If you only want to use Firefox, all you have to do is disable IE. You don't want to remove it, since it's an integral part of Windows. Click on Start, Settings, Control Panel, Add/Remove Programs, and when the list loads, click on Add/Remove Windows Components on the left side. When THAT list loads, scroll down and find Internet Explorer. Remove the checkmark by it, close the control panel and restart the computer. IE is gone but still available if you change your mind.

You also need to clean up your files. Click on Start, Programs, Accessories, System Tools and Disk Cleanup. Let it run, and remove everything it finds. You may find the cache's a lot cleaner.
hmm interesting .....

IE Tab in firefox?

Does the IE tab add-on have the same security problems as using normal IE?

IE Tab in firefox?default browser

Excellent question!!! I wouldn't think so as "NoScript" still works for me.

IE and Firefox question. Can someone please help?

I had IE as my default browser, and now I downloaded Firefox because it is supposed to be more secure. They say it is very easy for hackers to be able to get you through IE. Now that I have Firefox as my default browser, is IE still running? So therefore, can hackers still track me. Do I have to disable IE or something?

IE and Firefox question. Can someone please help?windows live messenger

Dont worry, you dont have to disable IE6. IE6 is less secure that firefox because of the number of unpatched vulnerability. Thoses vulnerability could be exploited while browsing the net with IE6. So if you are using firefox to browse you can be affected by hacker stuff that would exploit an IE6 vulnerability.

I wouldnt even recommand to try to remove IE6 since its so tied with Windows ... you could end up having some trouble if you remove it. Just dont use it and you will be fine.

IE and Firefox question. Can someone please help?microsoft money internet explorer

once you switch over to using ff as your default unless a program make a specific call for IE it will use firefox. You can uninstall IE from add/remove programs in windows programs section (please correct me if i am wrong here)
Try this site, there maybe an answer for you.

Fix IE 7 锛孒ow do I Fix IE bugs?

Fix IE I need . My IE error called *.DLL. Who can ask me what I should do for fix IE ?

I already tried some fix IE tools. But it no effect.

Who can help me???

Fix IE 7 锛孒ow do I Fix IE bugs?windows defender

I suggest don't use IE . IE is too bug to use.

Like eat_urself.instead said .Use firfox to view web page.


If u still want to use ie,To this address to download a new IE to install:

After these , You have done a full virus scan.

Fix IE 7 锛孒ow do I Fix IE bugs?windows updates internet explorer

Download IE7 again from and re-install it after you have done a full virus scan. get firefox and forget about ie
Get a genuine IE7.
To fix IE 7, it may be beneficial. please visit :

Thank you

Damon Thomas

Firefox in IE?

I've seen an extension for Firefox that renders pages using the IE engine if you choose to do so. Is it possible to use Firefox, built-in to IE? Not make Firefox look like IE, I mean, but just render Firefox-style? Maybe there's an Ajax site that does this for any browser?

Firefox in IE?microsoft sql server

Your thinking of the extention that allows you to "View this page in IE", all this does is open your current page in the IE browser. I have it installed and use it mostly for viewing imbedded movies that don't work for firefox, I'm sure web designers find it quite handy also.

Firefox in IE?windows themes internet explorer

There definitely isn't.
Yes, there is such an extension: IE Tab.

In addition, Netscape 8 apparently allows you to switch between the two rendering engines. However it's based on Firefox 1.0.3 and may not have the features and security updates of later versions.

IE Freezes when I use "Open in New Window" or items which go into new window clicked... Wh

I run Internet Explorer version 6, and have been having issues.

Some of the time, when I click either on "Open in New Window" or a link which should open into a new window, IE completely freezes, causing me to have to CNTR-ALT-DEL and open IE again.

It isn't always, but it is frequent enough to annoy me.

Does anyone have any idea why this is happening, or any idea how to fix it? It can get to be quite annoying.

IE Freezes when I use "Open in New Window" or items which go into new window clicked... Why?microsoft flight simulator

Maybe give MSIE 7 a try.


IE Freezes when I use "Open in New Window" or items which go into new window clicked... Why?windows 2000 internet explorer

Either do a repair install of IE,or try IE 7 and better still get Firefox.

IE CSS workaround?

Look at . It renders correctly on Firefox, but not on IE. When the text in the Link Box is too long IE instead of breaking it into multiple lines, it breaks the containing %26lt;div%26gt;. I can fix the problem by manipulating the data, but I was wondering if there was a workaround to force IE to render this correctly.

You can see the CCS at . The text is within the sideblock div that has a width of 310 - yet IE breaks through it. This happens on both IE6 and IE7 though in slightly different ways.

IE CSS workaround?windows update

Quite clearly the problem is with your Chet Baker Lost and Found entry, which is overflowing the DIV in which it is contained.

I've looked at the source and can't see a problem with the string. It looks like you might be getting that data from the META keywords tag of another site; you might try replacing the blank spaces with new whitespace.

You could also add an overflow:hidden to the unnamed div holding that text.

Finally, %26lt;strong%26gt; is the XHTML tag for boldface, not %26lt;b%26gt;

IE Freezes when I use "Open in New Window" or items which go into new window clicked... Wh

I run Internet Explorer version 6, and have been having issues.

Some of the time, when I click either on "Open in New Window" or a link which should open into a new window, IE completely freezes, causing me to have to CNTR-ALT-DEL and open IE again.

It isn't always, but it is frequent enough to annoy me.

Does anyone have any idea why this is happening, or any idea how to fix it? It can get to be quite annoying.

IE Freezes when I use "Open in New Window" or items which go into new window clicked... Why?microsoft flight simulator

Maybe give MSIE 7 a try.


IE Freezes when I use "Open in New Window" or items which go into new window clicked... Why?windows 2000 internet explorer

Either do a repair install of IE,or try IE 7 and better still get Firefox.

Help w. IE 7?

How do I set up IE to auto refresh when I visit a web site? In the old IE I had it set up so it would refresh every time I visit the site. I don't know how to do it in IE 7. Help plz?

Help w. IE 7?

click tools %26gt;%26gt; internet options %26gt;%26gt; on general tab there is "browsing history" click setting %26gt;%26gt; it says " check for newer version of stored pages %26gt;%26gt;choose automatically.

you might also want to try Firefox the open-source browser , it's easier to work with :

Help w. IE 7?microsoft windows xp internet explorer

there's a refresh button rite next to the address bar...the one with arrows in opposite direction.
TO refresh ur window just press "F5" Button once

Where does IE keep its cache in Vista?

I've deleted my IE cache but things keep creeping up as if I never cleared the cache. Does Vista keep IE cache stuff somewhere else in addition to the location shown in IE?

Where does IE keep its cache in Vista?windows xp home

open IE then Tools %26gt; Internet Options %26gt; Settings then new window well appear where u can pick to see the files or move them ..

IE extremely slow (both 6 & 7)?

My system is very fast. Netscape, opera, and about 4 other browsers work just fine and very fast, so this cannot be a virus, malware or any other error except in IE or a supporting file that other browswers do not use. I tried IE 7 thats when i noticed the slowness, went back to IE 6 sp2 same slow behavior. I run much more system intensive programs so IE cannot be lagging my system (and yes i checked the task manager and EI was using an extreme amount of mem or CPU). Has anyone else experienced this issue? If so did you find a fix yet? I am very familliar with the registry so if ya know a key i need to add/ change/ remove please advise.

Very grateful for any ideas,


IE extremely slow (both 6 %26amp; 7)?microsoft word

if you do have dial-up....GET DSL!DSL IS MUCH FASTER THAN DIAL-UP!!!!!!!

IE 7 from yahoo every time I close one page thw whole IE 7 closes down.?

IE 7 from yahoo every time I close one page the whole IE 7 closes down. I installed yesterday at the advise from Yahoo the updated version of IE 7. Now if I have several pages open and have to close one of them down. I get a message saying : windows encountered a problem and have to shut down. Then all shuts down and I loose all info that I typed in one of the sites open. What can I do. It drives me crazy.

IE 7 from yahoo every time I close one page thw whole IE 7 closes down.?microsoft office

sounds like a problem with your ie7 installation, or a plugin you have is causing problems with ie7. Or, perhaps, you've got some spyware that's messing with ie7.

Things to try:

- running a spyware check (try spybot search and destroy)

- using firefox instead of ie7

No more IE on OSX?

IE is no longer bundled with OSX. I know that's not really a major problem since OSX users can get Firefox but still some websites require the use of IE. In addition IE for OSX will no longer be offered. What are OSX users going to do?

No more IE on OSX?microsoft net framework

While I agree that no sites should be written to require any specific browser, the fact is that Mac IE will should be available for awhile for whoever really needs it. Archives like have provided old versions of Netscape for years, for example. Eventually web developers will realize that all modern Mac users have Safari preinstalled, and that anyone can get Firefox freely. (The bigger problem is the number of developers coding specifically for *Windows* IE - ActiveX etc.)

No more IE on OSX?windows xp themes internet explorer

Use Firefox, Safari, Opera or Camino.
Complain vehemently to any webmaster who doesn't code for non-IE browsers. Any webmaster worth his salt will realize that IE isn't the only show in town anymore, and those who code for IE only should be fired.

That's just my humble opinion. LOL

IE Explorer error.....?

Sometimes when I try to open IE I get an error window that says SysFader:Iexplore.exe - Application Error

The instruction at 0x7e2b4198 referenced memory at 0x0311589c. The memory could not be "read". Click on OK to terminate the program.

When I click to terminate the program, it just opens another error window with different codes in there. This has been happening pretty much since I got the computer a year ago but more often lately, especially if I try to open IE from Yahoo IM. Thanks!!

IE Explorer error.....?windows xp service

sounds like an old read error bug. they didn't have many great 'handles' for other programs to grab onto and activate it. it could just be that the software is messed up and you might just need to update either IE or Yahho IM. Also try dumping your cookies, and content (including offline content) some sites might take alittle longer to load at first but it might help.

IE Explorer error.....?microsoft xp internet explorer

Typical Microsoft error..

Best bet would be to un-install and install new Internet explorer..maybe IE 7.0

IE will not open more than one window?

Using IE, I turned off the pop up blocker, but I cannot open more than one IE window. If I launch IE while one window is running, the new window closes the window which is already opened. If I do something on a web page which legitimately needs to open a popup, the IE which should remain open is closed. This is causing me to lose a lot of work. I have run windows update, and upgraded to IE 7, but this is still happening. Any ideas how to fix this?

IE will not open more than one window?ireland

Download firefox and open multiple tabs I was skepticle about firefox but after you use it you'll never use IE ever.

IE will not open more than one window?microsoft outlook internet explorer

This might be your problem:

This one also summerizes two more possible problems:

Why does IE 7 deny access to frames on a web page and how can I correct it?

I am using Roadrunner webmail at After logging in I access the Options page which has a left and a right frame. The left frame has several "buttons" that have various functions.

When I logon using IE 6 or Firefox I am able to see and use the buttons in that left frame. If I logon using IE 7 I cannot see the left frame and there is an "Error on page" displayed in the left hand corner of the window. When I click in the error it says access is denied to the left frame URL.

I called MS IE 7 support and they were unable to provide an answer...said it must be a problem with Outlook (?????). I've searched the MS IE 7 pages and blogs with no luck. Does anyone know what I can do/change/download to view these frames in IE 7 or do you know what in Outlook may be causing the problem? Like I said, I can view the frames using IE 6 and Firefox, just not with IE 7, using the same computer so it would seem that it is an IE 7 issue.


Why does IE 7 deny access to frames on a web page and how can I correct it?download ie

Update your Computer using Windows Update.

Also you may try changing the security level while on the site, maybe it is too high and it is not letting the "left pane/frame" load appropriately.


Please read the question and answer appropriately. Do not just tell him to "Use Firefox". Maybe there is a reason he doesn't want to use Firefox, as he said it works there but he wants to know why it doesn't work on IE.

Why does IE 7 deny access to frames on a web page and how can I correct it?windows media player internet explorer

I am actually a support tech for roadrunner. and heres the story. There are alot of things that IE 7 just doesn't work with. One is the Road Runner Medic program. It won't even load with IE 7. The problem seems to be that that program just doesn't have the correct coding for alot of programs to be able to work. The good thing is.. if you have installed IE 7 you can uninstall it and your computer will default back to IE6 on startup. There is really nothing that you can do to change what is happening with that browser. These are things that Microsoft has to work out. Wish I could tell you a solution but there isnt one.
IE 7 has a patch that corrects a problem with getting to sites...I have had that problem ever since upgrading to the 7..would click on a site and it would pop up saying check connection or could not connect to website....finally went to the IE Support and found out they have a version IE 6 patch that goes into the version 7 for you .. will solve works I have done that and no problems since......good luck

My IE 6 isnt working responding, though Mozilla is working but still i need IE to open some sites. N

Hey, My IE 6 isnt responding. When i open it, my home page appears, but i cant click on anything. And it has to closed using Task manager.I have Mozilla firefox, but some sites data doesnt open in it. If at all i have to use IE, i got to go to Windows Update, and then from there i can click in address bar and access IE. Now everytime i cant go to windows update to access sites thru IE. The prob is like the first time i click on Windows Update, it has the same pob of stucking up, but next time when i click it, then i can open other sites thru it. The IE icon when clicked, home page appears but it gets stuck. Can anybody please help me in resolving this prob??

My IE 6 isnt working responding, though Mozilla is working but still i need IE to open some sites. Need Help?internet explorer update

You don't need IE anyway. Just install IE tab of Firefox/Mozilla and when you do need to open a page in IE just right-click the link and select open link in IE tab and that tab will function just like it would for IE.

OR Firefox only.

Read Me(if you want)

My IE 6 isnt working responding, though Mozilla is working but still i need IE to open some sites. Need Help?web browser internet explorer

update to IE7 and see if that doesn't fix your problem.

Is update IE from IE 6 to IE 7 a good thing or stay with IE 6?

I just updated my internet explorer from IE 6 to IE 7 and I not sure about it so far ... but that might take time to get use to (right?). But with that being said, was this a good thing or not? Should I keep IE 7 or go back to IE 6? If so, how do I do that? (LOL)

Is update IE from IE 6 to IE 7 a good thing or stay with IE 6?ie tab

It is a new browser and will require a period of time for you to learn its capabilities. I have been using IE 7 from the first Beta release and I can assure you this has lots of features you will find.

You can set up to 6 hompages to open when you open the browser.

You can set up some tabs and then save them in a single folder in Favorites. Then you click on the blue arrow a that Favorite Folder and all the tabs open. You can set up groups of tabs.

I have 6 homepages that appear when I open IE 7. These are my AT%26amp;T Yahoo Homepage, Yahoo Mail Beta, 4 online newspapers.

I open a second window and add a tab group in that folder. I have 6 tab group folders that I could open in 6 different windows if I desired.

Give it time and I think you will like it.

Is update IE from IE 6 to IE 7 a good thing or stay with IE 6?windows mobile internet explorer

I'm still undecided about it, mainly because it's brand new, and new products usually still have some bugs to fix.

Also, you have to make sure you have a legal copy of Windows before you attempt to install IE 7, because they make you validate your copy of Windows to make sure it's authentic.

However, since you already installed it, you know that already.
IE 7 is much more secure than IE6. If you decide to go back to IE6, simply go to add/remove programs and remove IE7. Your comp will then revert back to IE6.
IE 6 is better

RESTORE ur PC and get back ur EI 6
"Be not the first by whom the new is tried, nor the last to lay the old aside." (That usually works out about right.)
The interface is a little different from previous versions, but given the greater security features, notably the anti-phishing feature, I believe that the benefits outweigh the con of having to get used to the new interface.
Moving away from IE6 is always going to be a good thing. The browser code and rendering engine is so sadly outdated that it's ridiculous. Yes, IE7 is brand new and is bound to have some minor issues, but it's far more secure, offers tabbed browsing, anti-phishing (scams), and has dozens of new (long overdue) features - even support for RSS.

The biggest reason to switch? IE7 will be much more compatible with the latest web compliant web sites. It's not as compliant as Opera or Firefox, but it's a lot further along than IE6, which is just junk.

I'd actually recommend using Firefox (especially when 2.0 is released in coming weeks), but if you just "have" to stick with IE, then by all means, move to 7.
Hmm me too just downloaded IE 7. Its ok but make sure that you have the "Menu Bar" turned on so that you can easily nagivate from one page to the other. Its strange abit but i guess with time IE 7 should be fine. Cheers!

Why am I able to use firefox but I can't use IE? I do not want firefox! Help! 10 points?

I installed firefox and made it my default browser because everyone said it was better than IE. But I just don't like firefox. I like IE better. Before I installed firefox IE was working fine and I was able to use IE with no problems. But after I installed firefox I noticed that IE was no longer working right. Like whenever I open just 1 page on IE like 53 pages will automatically open, and I can't go to any websites on IE because I just get a message that says "application not found" whenever I try. All I can do is click links on the home page (yahoo) and go to the subsequent sites (like yahoo answers, where I am now). I uninstalled firefox, did a virus scan (which detedted no viruses), and attempted to do several system restores, but each time I got a message saying that the system settings could not be resored. So what do I do to fix IE? Please someone help me! 10 points.

Why am I able to use firefox but I can't use IE? I do not want firefox! Help! 10 points?microsoft excel

Download the IE package first from Microsoft first. Remove Firefox by Control Panel %26gt; Add Remove software/program then remove your IE from the same place and restore IE from your downloaded IE file.

Switched from IE to firefox?

I`m useing vista. I have IE and switched to firefox. On IE i have norton 360 . I want to keep IE and norton360 on it. Also i want to have firefox. How do i put norton 360 on firefox and keep it on IE? I hope this is possible it would be nice to have IE with norton 360 and firefox with norton 360 both. What i see of firefox is that it is faster IE to me is kinda old. I feel that i will use firefox more than IE but i just want to keep IE you know just in case i need it. Also i bought this norton 360 at best buy for $70 bucks and i dont have a lot of extra money to spend to go out and buy a nother or something like it for firefox protection. Thanks

Switched from IE to firefox?internet explorer download

Just download Fx (Firefox).

Norton 360 will still do its job as a security program.

Switched from IE to firefox?windows xp internet explorer

you dont need norton, take it back. firefox is very secure. download and install adaware. find it at

Problem with IE and MSN messenger.?

I am currently using Firefox and IE(Latest Version). I am also using MSN Messenger(Latest Version). For some unknown reason my MSN Messenger in not logging me in and my IE is not even working but i can browse through my Firefox. Just wondering how can i fix this problem with MSN Messenger and IE?

Problem with IE and MSN messenger.?windows xp sp2

I need some Error codes but A frequent cause is that the time on your computer is not correct.

To correct the time on your computer, double-click the clock in the bottom right of your screen, in the window that appears you should check both the time and date

I reloaded IE and the popup keeps comming that says I have a virus?

I did a dumb thing by opening an email that I was not familiar with. Duh....Oh well, now I uninstalled IE and the popup stopped when I use flock or netscape navigatou. I need to use the IE because i am in an online class and it only operates with IE. What to do What to do? Halp Hep Haplesss me plz?

The popup says: System Error you have and unknown trojan, bla bla bla click on click button to fix problem.and download a virus I did not do this and downloaded Spybot after Norton did not recognize it. Spybot did not find the vurus either and I do not know how to find the popup to disable it. The popup blocker does not stop it either I have three popup stoppers and nothing can stop the window from appearing every time I click or move the mouse. Odeah...what to do?

I reloaded IE and the popup keeps comming that says I have a virus?microsoft net

Downlaod AVG anti-virus for free and it will clean your computer

I reloaded IE and the popup keeps comming that says I have a virus?microsoft flight simulator internet explorer

for the mean time, use a laptop for your class, and for your computer... you may have to wipe your hardrive and restart it... Bring t to a computer pro that may be able to help you...

try avg too.
Try ie 6.
you have a virus
Its not a virus, its not spyware, its more of a trojan thats highjacked your browser, dont worry it not damage your computer buts it is very annoying. Panda Internet Security 2008 will remove the will uninstall Norton when downloading it (30 day trial)

MySpace CSS IE / Firefox issue?

i realize that firefox and IE render CSS differently because of the way the code is parsed.

You cant use javascript to correct CSS issues in myspace, nor can you use a Link rel="stylesheet", usually i would use a %26lt;!--[if IE]%26gt; statement to check the browser, then link to the appropriate stylesheet.....myspace blocks the %26lt;link%26gt; tag...

any other way to get around my firefox layout looking like crap?

MySpace CSS IE / Firefox issue?opera browser

Use the IE conditional comments, as follows:

- style the page perfectly in Firefox

- determine what needs to be different for IE (general or even specific versions) not by changing what you've done for FF, but by overriding it with different attribute value for the same selectors repeated at the bottom of your origin FF style sheet ("cascade," right? - later, more local, or more specifically selected styles take precedence - you're not deleting any of your earlier FF work but only overriding it with repeated declaration later in the cascade)

- add any new style for IE, again down at the bottom of your style sheet, to keep all the IE "tweaks" together

- once you're done getting it perfect in IE, cut the set of overrides out of the end of your style sheet and include those in an IE conditional comment in the HTML itself

Now your base style sheet is perfect for FF, and your in-page conditional comments an contain an internal style sheet (%26lt;style%26gt; block) that offers overrides that repair the cascade for IE.

This can repeated "ad nauseum" for different flavors of IE, if you intend to support multiple versions.

MySpace CSS IE / Firefox issue?microsoft windows internet explorer

Well, technically, for the most part, Firefox will display things correctly. IE is usually the problem.

However, without specific code examples, I can't help you.


Myspace is pretty strict about what it allows in terms of formatting. I don't know of any way to do what you're asking. MySpace isn't exactly the pinnacle of of CSS/HTML compatibility or usability.

IE or Firefox?

i'd been having prblems with IE since yesterday. i am getting this message every now and then. Internet explorer cannot open internet site. (link) Operation aborted.

is it just me or is it IE?

IE or Firefox?windows mail


IE or Firefox?microsoft maps internet explorer

Firefox or Safari.
IE is a problem. FireFox3 is the best!
Go with FireFox, I like it alot more and it just seems to run better. FireFox also allows you to do more things online, such as watch movies that IE won't run.

Anyone who likes IE has never used FireFox
Switch to Firefox!
firefox. IE messes up too muchh!
InternetExplorer all the way
definitely firefox
Firefox rox !!!
No. I think both are very good programs. Firefox is definetly the best substitute for IE. And if IE isnt working then, go with Firefox, becuase it has all the same capabilities, and gadgets and such. I am not sure what that message means, but try just using Firefox.
IE everday
Firefox is best
Check out She prefers Firefox.
IE bugs will always be in IE. Can't deny that.

It's not you, you don't have bug. lol.

I'm comfy with Firefox or FF, and I can easily add plugins which is unavailable on some browser.


IE? Firefox.


You dont get like what Firefox offers.

Yeah, the guy Hatosan is right.


Internet Explorer.
firefox is better for windows..

IE 6 will not connect to the internet while alternative Firefox is?

Basically I keep getting the 'Page cannot be displayed' page in Internet Explorer 6, while my wireless connection is working fine resulting in that I can still connect in Mozilla Firefox. However programs such as Windows Live Messenger rely on IE to work for them to work, meaning my main trouble is that I cannot use WLM and that is why I need to fix this problem pretty quickly.

I am running XP Pro SP2 and have Comodo firewall, and a wireless connection.

Previous to writing this I have reverted from IE7 to IE6 to try and sort the problem and have changed some of settings like the LAN settings to what some websites/guides have mentioned. I have also allowed the two programs, IE and WLM, to work with my firewall, which I think I have done correctly.

IE 6 will not connect to the internet while alternative Firefox is?windows mobile

If you are running Firefox try this, there is a new add-on out for Firefox that allows you to view pages that don't work in Firefox using internet explorers rendering engines (fancy word for the program that allows you to view the web pages). This add-on is called ie tab for Firefox, you can download it at When you get to this page simply click add to Firefox and then follow the instructions in the on-screen installation box.

IE problem - advertisement pop up?

Under my IE properties, I cannot change the home page address, when launch IE, it go to those advertisement page

another problem is, when I do a search, when click on the link, it goes to some advertisment site also, I have to click "back" then the page i want will appear

can anybody teach me how to solve this

IE problem - advertisement pop up?windows xp professional

Try this. Click start, in search box type in msconfig. If that search box doesn't come up click on run and type in msconfig. You will end up at a system configuration box. Click on the start up tab and look for the pop ups there. If not found there, click the services tab and look there. You need to know every thing in the pop up so you will recognize what you are looking for. If you find, un check the box or boxes. Write down all you un check so if you make an error you can go back and reinstate. There may be a hundred items in services tab so start at the bottom of scroll down box.

IE problem - advertisement pop up?windows xp home internet explorer

IE Defender is a rouge anti virus you should remove that thing before things get wrost. Then this what worked for me I went to start then went to disk cleaner. And I search view files then search for the date you had that problem find that file. It should be a unknown file and delete it. and try your internet brower and see if your problem is gone. Good Luck
Error killer: Though not as thorough as Reg Cure did manage to find and fix the majority of errors on some of our systems. Even though our first choice is Reg Cure, Error Killer still provided us with an extremely thorough scan and managed to fix many errors that other services could not.

Firefox or IE 7 ?

I am using IE7 on a Windows XP computer and having no problems at all.

I wish to download and run Firefox.

If I download and run Firefox will it wipe out my IE 7 or my "Favorites" or do any damage to IE 7 ?

If it's ok to use Firefox is there anything I need to know?

Firefox or IE 7 ?microsoft access

Since I switched to Linux I use Firefox, Konqueror, Seamonkey and Opera. Something you should understand: Firefox and Seamonkey are both in a real sense descendants of Netscape, which itself was available for Unix and Linux before it was available for Windows. Using them in a Unix-like environment makes perfect sense, but of course I find it sensible to use a Unix-like environment. The security advantage of Netscape-enabled browsers, frankly is precisely that they are not tightly integrated into the operating system: in Linux they operate in user space and in fact I've surfed the net comfortably using versions of both Firefox and Seamonkey which were installed in my /home directory and had no permission to write anywhere but to my personal account.

Frankly, the current version, Firefox 2 is a memory hog. This has something to do with that a lot of it is written in an interpreted language callled XUL. Firefox 3 reportedly runs much better over time (though it takes as much memory initially). It's supposed to be officially released in the next month. You might consider waiting or downloading the beta version.

That said, obviously you can run both IE 7 and Firefox, or should be able to. This is also true of Opera and any other browser availabe from a third party. You shouldn't do any damage to IE. There is no reason, should you try to run another browser, you shouldn't continue to use IE unless like so many of us you decide to give up Microsoft software. ;-)

Firefox or IE 7 ?windows mobile 6 internet explorer

You can have both programs, I prefer Firefox alot more..never had problems with it, but Explorer was a pain in the butt for awhile. You will have to save your favorites into your bookmarks in Firefox.
Firefox is the best in my opinion. It will not wipe out IE. It will ask you to import the bookmarks from IE actually.

Firefox is safer, and more secure. Plugins make it great!

Check it the about, features, etc..then decide if it's right for you.
Avoid Firefox!

When you download Firefox, it comes complete with free membership in a cult religion. You will need to face the West and bow down and pray to your new god, Mozilla, at least 5 times a day.

Of course this "free" browser comes with a steep price. You will be encouraged to become an evangelist for the "cause" (see "answers" above^) by being pressured to join the "Spread Firefox" propaganda campaign:

You will be required to constantly spam newsgroups and forums (Yahoo Answers included). To anyone that posts or asks any question about Internet Explorer, you will be required to reply that the only solution is to dump IE and use Firefox. You will annoy people with shouts of "Firefox has a built-in pop-up blocker...Firefox has a built-in pop-up blocker", despite the fact that Internet Explorer has had a pop-up-blocker ever since XP SP2...almost 4 years ago.

You see, the truth has never been important to Mozilla / Firefox. They have their own dangerous socialist / left-wing agenda.

You must understand that this religion, just like all the others, has its own devil, (Bill Gates), and its own Hell, (Redmond). From this day forward you shall devote your entire life to saving the world from Microsoft.

If, you become one of the chosen disciples of this cult, you will be allowed to help in the coding of new versions of Firefox. Of course you will not be paid for your efforts. Despite the fact that Mozilla Corporation had 2006 revenue of over over $70,000,000.00 USD:

It prefers to brainwash its followers into toiling for the Mozilla Mother-church for free. Slave labor is always best. Firefox / Mozilla Corporation loves to cry poor-mouth. And the lemmings always follow.

Of course the hierarchy of the church, such as High-Priestess and corporate president, Mitchell Baker, ARE well compensated for their work:

Funny how that works, isn't it?

I am surprised that Baker hasn't taken to wearing her own version of the Papal Hat:

Perhaps one made out of flea-infested fox pelts! It would certainly help to hide that hideous hair-do of hers;

Firefox...the browser of choice of pimply-faced, male adolescent fanboys, who are badly in need of female companionship; and aging hippies with gray ponytails.

HA...;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)
I think OPERA is nicest, but I use Opera AND Firefox, so that if I want to use the slightly less secure firefox with all of it's great add-ons, I click my 'drag n drop' Opera button labelled 'inFF'.

I did sometimes use inIE - but find now that IE isn't a patch on either Opera or Firefox. Firefox is best, but Opera is much nicer to use and more responsive.

Get firefox, then click 'tools, add-ons'

Then install the following to start you off with a much better net experience:


Bandwidth diagnostics

Customise Google

Download Helper (for flash video)

Mouse Gestures

PDF Download

Session Manager

Speed Dial

Stop Autoplay (stops google video's autoplaying and sapping your bandwidth until you click them)

Stumble Upon - the single BEST ever add on

Unlike the man above me, I think the single reason for leaving IE7 behind is that it cannot offer these add-ons, and it is not free - Microsoft is very bad - and don't give you the choice of avoiding use of IE, however I find that many sites I cannot log into with IE7 are accessible with firefox and opera.

IE7 is too heavy to access my hotmail account most of the time, but FF opens it very easily and quickly. It's TRUTH that guides me, not an irrational need to defend Windows.

Now I use linux, and find Firefox to be identical on this platform, and it's the same on my friend's Macintosh.

What about IE7? search Google for comparisons
Firefox will not affect IE7, and for my money, IE7 is considerably faster than Firefox, and if you browse smartly, any security concerns are limited. Firefox is also a bit of a pain when it comes to constantly having to dowmlaod and update add-ons, though i will say there are LOTS of great add-ons to Firefox that you cant get with IE, so it is def worth having both on your computer.

And what that last guy said is priceless, though i wish i had the time he had available.
i use firefox, and i've had no probs. my comp is windows xp. if it ain't broke, don't fix it. i would be a little wary of downloading IE7, for the fear of messing stuff up. why do you want firefox if nothing is wrong?

IE 7 toolbar customizing...?

I just started using IE 7, but I really don't like the new toolbar/s... I set it so the Menu Bar shows, but now I have three bar's worth of stuff on the far left-hand side and, with the exception of three icons and the search box, I have very little on the right side and a bunch of dead space in the middle. I don't like how the toolbars cut into my web viewing now (pages get pushed down from the top to make room for the three bars), so is there a way to change this? With the old/classic IE browsers, you could combine toolbars to save space and I really wish I could combine the tab bar with the menu bar or address bar. Is this possible at all? Thanks in advance.

IE 7 toolbar customizing...?ireland

I hope I'm wrong I dont believe this can be done without fiddling with the registry.. you are right, there is a lot of dead space in ie7.

You can have a play with this tutorial:

IE 7 toolbar customizing...?microsoft outlook internet explorer

got no idea
I dont use IE but if you go to Tools or view in the top of the browser and go to tool bars and disable whatever it is you dont want there restart the computer you should be able to fix your problem. I think your question is a little unspecific.

IE 7.0: Is It All of What It's Claimed To Be?

to install IE 7.0 should I uninstall previous version IE 6.0?

IE 7.0: Is It All of What It's Claimed To Be?windows xp pro

Keep IE6. Upgrade to IE7. If you dont like it,youcan revert back. I still use IE7 to get updates,thats it. buggy is as buggy does. Just like any Microsoft program, it is a Build or Service Pack, or Modified Enhancement, or whatever they choose to call a Software Code Error this week.

Do not unistall on IE to upgrade to another, unless that is what Microsoft tells you to do.

IE 7.0: Is It All of What It's Claimed To Be?microsoft net framework internet explorer

yep . it is lot of people when trying out .IE7 have problems using IE7 . myself i dont. it is best . if you try IE7 . if not like .then remove.

IE 7 and Firefox Keep Shutting Off!!?

Hi! Ok so I have IE 7 and FireFox Downloaded on my CPU and for some reason all of sudden they both sometimes just shut off when I visit certain websites. Now IE 7 shuts off as soon as the the home page finishes loading, I can't do anything on there, and Firefox will shut off if I go to my email or other sites. I have no idea what wrong with them and I tried system restore didn't work. I tired reinstalling both and nothing now i'm out of ideas! PLEASE HELP!!! If You Can. Thanks

IE 7 and Firefox Keep Shutting Off!!?microsoft exchange

that thing happened 2 me also,i would open ie and it will close and then firefox also,and you know what it was?? it was a virus called something like vurtomonde." i just went to and downloaded a anti virus and removed it, do the same..

IE 7 and Firefox Keep Shutting Off!!?windows vista ultimate internet explorer

use only one internet browser, either IE7 or Firefox and not both. both your browser are in conflict with each other. un install the one you dont like and try browsing again.

see if this works

Do all this

Clean Up Computer


Download and run superantispyware. I was put onto this program because of an annoying popup (XP)

Superantispyware is a good program and remember to update it before scanning. A scan may take 45mins.

afterwards clean up the registry with this

Clean up pc and IE


To clean up run this Microsoft鈥檚 windows live program. It does registry, spyware , virus , disk clean up and defrag

It takes 2 hours or more so once it starts to load x file of x you can leave the computer and go to bed etc.

XP Users

Vista Users

Run the full scanner, then at the end of the scan it asks you to set it running full time.

Think twice about setting it to run in the background as it could be another thing to slow you down. However, it may be worth while if you have no other security programs running.

Consider the following options:

I personally run Norton 360 which is full internet security and run superantispyware when I want to.

So if you don鈥檛 have a decent internet security program then perhaps run the superantispyware with your antivirus in the background.

If you sick of antivirus programs that don鈥檛 work perhaps run onecare full time and run superantispyware whenever.

Now you should be flying and Onecare has even set up a new system restore point for you.

ISTbar hijacker toolbar for IE, removal??

I use Firefox, but I mistankenly opened IE instead of my normal Firefox. I still have IE 6 I think and it rerouted me to update to 7 or whatever newest version. I closed IE and a popup for "" appeared. I pressed ALT + F4, closed 2 more popups that appeared and ran the Firefox Anti-Spy. This browser hijacker, ISTbar hijacker toolbar, cropped up on the scan and I thought I deleted it. But it keeps reinstalling itself.

Ran my Norton AntiVirus Scan and Spybot S %26amp; D in safe mode, but it wouldn't let me run Ad-Aware 07, not even in a regular boot mode. Nothing showed up btw in either sca. Can I just remove the IE from my OS and would this ISTbar remove also or...??

Help please.

ISTbar hijacker toolbar for IE, removal??windows server 2003

Boot up in safe mode again. Dont run any scans, then try and find the ISTBar. I did, but I cant remember where it was! Sorry.

ISTbar hijacker toolbar for IE, removal??windows xp service internet explorer

Try cwshredder from file hippo.It detects browser hijackers and

is light and easy to use.
1. you cant remove internet explorer, its an integral part of windows.

2.go into start%26gt;control panel%26gt;internet options and see if your homepage (in IE) has been change or is greyed out, thats a sure sign of a browser hijacked.

3. if you've been hijacked.. click this link, follow the instructions and you will get cleaner then a dirty kid on bath day (
Try a program called Hijackthis, it'll find loads of crap in your machine and delete it and it may even get rid of the program giving you issues. Also, you could try CWShredder.

Both of these programs may sort your problem out.

Try to search for files and folders related to this program and delete them as you go. Do the same in the registry too.

Make a system restore point before you make any major changes.
Run GarbageClean from to remove it.

Why do IE browser always experiences script errors?

i have a win XP pc, and it works fine, except for the IE, be it version 7 or 6 always saying that it experiences script error, error on page and to continue or not to continue. how could i avoid getting that? also, is there any way to uninstall IE thoroughly and use firefox instead? thanks. . .

Why do IE browser always experiences script errors?windows update

script errors are actually results of "outdated browser" but since you already have ie 6/7 and still experience the same script actually need to update your java program in the pc (

btw, have you tried uninstalling the ie and reinstalling it using the original windows cd? that also can help...

ie experiences this error more than firefox since there are settings in ie that actually require very updated java program in order for it to open info especially pics...

take care alain...??? :D

Why do IE browser always experiences script errors?microsoft excel internet explorer

Don't UN-install Internet Explorer!!....You will need this!!... long story..You can still download Firefox which would most proberly fix those script errors and use both together without any conflict.

Free Firefox download.

How do I fix IE in Vista?

there was a power outage last week and my computer turned off; I'm guessing that was what messed it up because since then IE will not load. It takes forever and freezes up. So I downloaded firefox. The problem with that is only certain programs (like Netflix on-line) will only use IE. I looked in my control panel and found that IE was not listed in my programs. Could this mean that it had somehow got uninstalled? Should I reinstall it? This is what I'm guessing because on my XP computer, my Windows Movie Maker keeps closing itself and it was not listed in my programs anymore.

How do I fix IE in Vista?windows live

Try running IE with no addons and see if it works.

Start %26gt; All Programs %26gt; Accessories %26gt; System Tools %26gt; Internet Explorer (No addons)

I have had Vista lose shortcuts before, I think it was due to messing around with uninstalling some junk software.

How do I fix IE in Vista?windows media player 11 internet explorer

get XP or linux. Linux has never done that to me.

Alternatively get firefox
yes go to internet explorer and redownload it again after the 2 time it should work better i recomend the yahoo internet explorer it comes with more features
Try going to System Restore and restore the computer to before the power outage. If that doesnt work, go to Microsoft.Com and install IE7 again, or download IE 8 Beta 1 if you are a developer. Hope that helps!!

Friday, November 27, 2009

How do I stop IE from popping up as a "pop-up" at least once every 10 minutes?

I use Mozilla Firefox all the time except when I have to use IE for certain programs. I don't want to have to delete, just disable, IE. I run Ccleaner everyday so I tend to think it's not happening because of spyware and the like. IE takes each time about 10 seconds to disappear so it is very irritating. Thanks.

How do I stop IE from popping up as a "pop-up" at least once every 10 minutes?microsoft word

download google pop up blocker...its free..

How do I stop IE from popping up as a "pop-up" at least once every 10 minutes?windows movie maker internet explorer


IE doesn't draw last pixel CSS?

I am having an issue with IE. I have seen a fix for this before but I can't find it now. The elements display just fine in other browser but IE fails to draw the last pixel causeing the overflow:auto to draw a scrollbar. To fix this I add I pixel to the Height property but this leaves a line under the element in other browsers.

IE doesn't draw last pixel CSS?windows explorer

i just read a book called "CSS Hacks and Filteres" making Stle Sheets work. I don't don't remember that hack either but I know I saw it in this book. The book was written by the people at join their forim they can tell you how to do that.

IE / Firefox problem?

The problem here is something is wrong with IE AND Firefox.

Whenever I try to view any page, the area where the page is supposed to appear is blank. I've tried refreshing and refreshing, but all they display is just blank nothingness. Rarely does the page appear, and even then it continues "loading" even after the page appears to be fully loaded. After awhile it refreshes and I am back to square one, with the blank screen. I've used IE for awhile then switched to Firefox, for about 6 months now, and I'm quite worried.

What's wrong? It was fine before. Before this happened, there was an update from Norton 2006 (preinstalled on my computer by Compaq, old yes I KNOW). I needed to restart the computer for the changes to take effect, and since then this problem has been occuring. I've tried restarting again and again, but to no avail.

Nothing is wrong with the internet connection. I'm using my dad's comp with the same connection, and it's fine.

IE / Firefox problem?replacement windows

You could try using your system restore facility to restore your PC.

If that still don't work you could Uninstall Norton and install another good free version which will be much lighter on your PC than Norton and be just as secure.

Free Antivirus programs.

Good luck:/

IE / Firefox problem?windows mail internet explorer

if you have xp system you can go to restore to an earlier date and see if it works ok and go from there.Good luck

IE problems?

Every time I close my internet explorere I get a message that reads 0x0765454d at the referenced memory could not be read at 0x0765454d. and it is annoying as hell. i try to ask microsoft what it is but they dont do IE questions and I cant find a place in the help section for this particular #. Any help please. I am sick of it popping up every time i close IE

Additional Details

Now have a different number 0x0772454d

IE problems?microsoft works

Don't use IE, it is evil. Use firefox or opera browsers. they are less prone to infections. it is also faster.

IE problems?windows mobile internet explorer

Do yourself a favor and dump IE, google Firefox and install that browser.
go here and follow the instructions

this is the best solution you can have

uninstall IE.

dont care how u do it, just get it off your pc

but not after you have downloaded FIREFOX
I know this will be kindof unfair but, just switch to firefox, or dillo, or opera, the list gos on. . . .

IE is full of holes that microsoft does not want to patch. And your the one going thru the pain. switch to somthing that a real community can get behind. and fix themselves if needed.

plus have you tried empying out your temp files?
Don't worry about fixing it. Just download and install

Mozilla Firefox and all your troubles will go away.

IE is very vunerable to hacker access...Firefox is more secure.

If you are not familar with Firefox, do a google search under

Firefox and read the various links related to it. Forget IE.

Looking for IE 5.5 for my Windows 95 computer.?

I have a Compaq Presario Model 4532, 200mhz, 3 gig HD, 64MB Ram, with Windows 95 on it. I did a quickrestore and it has only IE 3.0 I found IE 5.5 at William and Mary a long time ago, but I don't see where you can download IE 5.5 anymore except in German. Any help out there?

Looking for IE 5.5 for my Windows 95 computer.?microsoft office 2003

(Get Firefox)

Looking for IE 5.5 for my Windows 95 computer.?windows xp professional internet explorer

Here is IE 5.5 SP2 for Windows 95,

Firefox 1.5 does not work on Windows 95.
Conrad's link is good, but the best resource by far for all old and new browsers has to be's browser archive. Check it out at [1]. Oh and your specific download is available via [2].

What makes IE 7 so horrible?

I've seen a lot of questions with people wondering how to get back to IE 6, this makes me uneasy to update to it. What's so bad about IE 7?

What makes IE 7 so horrible?microsoft

G'day Tericka,

I am one of those that have "rolled back", actually did an uninstall of IE7 and my system reverted back to V6, so I expect the people that wrote it new we wouldn't like it, go figure.

Anyway, IE7 just seems way too memory and processor hungry, every page you visit loads slower.

Functional-wise not much has changed but the layout has become more graphical instead of the IE6 graphic/text layout.

I think IE7 is more geared to the high end machines and probably one of those situations where we have the new software but the machines need to evolve to run it properly.

Plain and simple, wait.

Good Luck, Rod

What makes IE 7 so horrible?microsoft access internet explorer

all you have to do is go to add and remove programs and uninstall ie7 and ie6 will be back
dont know,but it locked mine up,had to uninstall. It also had problems with yahoos search engine!!
It's a huge download. It gathers way too much personal info.

It takes a weekend to download. Although the tabbed browsing is nice, it isn't nearly as customizable as IE6. I hate it. Lots of people advised me to go with Mozilla Firefox 2. I use it at work, but for some reason it's hosing up my sound on my home computer. So, there's a bug with THAT browser to work out too!

I'll probably try to resolve problems with Firefox, as I really DO like it. It's a good browser with a lot of nice features, including the tabbed browsing. Meantime, it's IE6 for me.

Copy of Netscape. So it is not unique. And roll over mouses not working properlyu in IE. Plus it is easy to get hack with IE (pop ups, anoying blocks...)
Everything. You name it.

As a web designer, I would suggest you and everyone else find an alternate solution to IE. Namely Firefox, Opera, or Safari (Mac). (Mac only)
It has slowed down two of my computers, and on one of them firefox no longer works. It looks like microsoft didn't do enough testing with it. It is even worst when you try to use key woods and goes to Msn and recomends their products.
All I know is I have had many more errors,computer locking up etc since I installed it,it has been a nightmare but I'm not really great with computers so I'm almost afraid to mess with it.

Microsoft is what makes it so horrible.
first off... SCREW INTERNET EXPLORER!!!!!!!!!!!

secondly.... FIREFOX IS BEST!!!!!

third... internet explorer is open to attacks and very vulnerable. ie7 may have tabs, but this also causes ie7 to be VERY slow. it takes about 8 seconds to close ie7 wen 6 took about 3. firefox just closes by the way... and it has tabs.

i do NOT EVER recomend downloading ANY internet explorer EVER.... unless you NEED microsoft updates.
IE7 is good in looks but not good in functionality eventhough it is still in BETA edition.

TABBED browsing is really horrible and it is not as fast and as easy as for MOZILLA FIREFOX. LOL Firefox lovers really hate IE7 tabbed browsing.

Microsoft did good job in changing the loook of the browser but they are not upto the extent. They look of IE7 looks more like the themes created by a third party vendor.

It is not even as fast as IE6 and it is completely unreliable.

Finally inorder to install IE7 u have to get GENUINE xp pack.

IE will not open when using YIM?

I had this problem with YIM 7 so I just upgraded to 8 to see if it would fix the problem. When I click on mail from the messenger window, it prompts me whther I want to be logged in automatically or not. I click yes, but IE (my default browser) does not open and I get no e-mail page. Also, when I click to play launchcast, I do not get any sound, or any errors. I've tried turning off my firewall with the same results. It is as if the appropriate registry values are not set for messenger to launch IE. Has anyone fixed this type of problem?

IE will not open when using YIM?ds browser

Uninstall Yahoo Instant Messenger, upgrade your browser to IE 7 (or better, Mozilla) and reinstall the latest version.

If that doesn't work, you may have to go to run--%26gt;msconfig to get to the registry to take a look. It's a messy thing though, you should back up the reg before working on it.

Or you want to take the time:

has troubleshooting questions

I have IE, and i did a virus scanner (mcafee) and spybot S&D and i removed virus?

I did virus scan and spybot but IE is still getting stupid pop ups from some type of SPYware adware w/e what can i do to see what program is using IE

I have IE, and i did a virus scanner (mcafee) and spybot S%26amp;D and i removed virus?internet explorer update

Donwload the free version of Superantispyware. This program finds spyware missed by all others and is low on resources. I use the free version myself.

Minddoctor, France

I have IE, and i did a virus scanner (mcafee) and spybot S%26amp;D and i removed virus?web browser internet explorer

OK, there are several things you need to do:

1) turn off System Restore. You do this by going to Accessories..System Tools..System Restore. Turn this off--it's most often not needed and is a place where viruses hide.

2) go to and download their AVG anti-virus package. After installation, make sure you have it updated with the most current definitions.

3) I assume you're running Windows XP. Turn off your computer and re-start it in safe mode (which you do by repeatedly pressing either F5 or F8 just after you turn the power back on--you'll get a menu asking you how you want to start up). Once you've booted into safe mode, run the AVG software. This is a *very* aggressive software package and can remove just about anything.

4) Reboot your computer normally. If you're still having problems, continue with the following:

5) Go to

and download HiJackThis. Run the program, which will create a log file. Go to

and post your HiJackThis log. You will get an extremely rapid, very precise answer as to whether or not you still have any infections and, if so, exactly what to do.

6) After everything is all cleaned up I recommend installing SpyBot (it's free; just make sure to keep it updated):

and SpywareTerminator (also free):

Good luck!
I guess there is no single fully loaded security program that will take care of all current security problems all by itself.

You may need a combination of them or choose the best one to secure your computer.

Install the free AVG anti virus from

Or, the free Avira Antivir PE Classic from

Or, Free antivirus - avast! 4 Home Edition

Or, Free Anti-Virus Protection - Active Virus Shield

Or, do a free online virus scan and clean on

The above will take care of your virus problems. Additionally, you may want to install the latest Yahoo toolbar with anti spy button that clean spy which steals your information. Get it from
Perform System Restore, if it happened a week ago or earlier

Click on Start

Click on All Programs

Click on Accessories

Click on System Tools

Click on System Restore

Restore the computer to an earlier date.

If it doesn't work

Use the following tools

-- follow the instructions there



if it still won't work the next step is manual removal. you can call Microsoft PCSafety 1-866-727-2338. They are free support. Tell them your done running the tools above so that they can proceed with manual removal of smitfraud. Hope it works :)

Anyone else have trouble with new IE 7?

I just installed my new Dell XPS 410 computer and it worked fine until I downloaded IE 7 and restarted it. I spent over 5 hours trying to fix the problem. It seems when I click on a link, the program stops working (IE 7) and I have to "end task" - needless to say I'm very frustrated and have had to revert back to the old IE, much to my chagrin. I loved the IE 7 which worked fine on my Dell Dimension 4300 (although that computer is very slow, especially compared to my XPS 410). Anyone else have this problem and if so, how do I fix it? Thanks for your serious answers!

Anyone else have trouble with new IE 7?internet explorer download

The reason why IT organizations are NOT upgrading to IE7 is not because it is bad software. It is because its the first version of software. No IT company will ever upgrade any software to its first revision of the upgrade, that's just asking for trouble.

Now, you are free to use FireFox, but there is another problem with your computer that it is acting the way it is with IE7. Leaving it like that and just using another browser will lead to further problems.

First, did you download IE7 from Microsoft directly? If no, please do.

Second, have you updated your Windows installation by going to Windows Update? (

Third, did you have any toolbars installed prior to installing IE7? If yes, please uninstall them. Then try installing IE7 again.

Good luck, let us know how it goes.

Anyone else have trouble with new IE 7?windows xp internet explorer

stop using ie7 and download mozilla firefox.
the best solution: get firefox it is much more stable (and faster, cleaner, cooler, and hurts microsoft :))

IE7 still has bugs. You could trying checking for updates or reinstalling with the latest version.
I can't help you with fixing your problem, but I hate IE7 and have only heard negative things about it. Good luck!
Uninstall IE7 and Install FireFox 2.0. Problem Solved.
Internet Explorer is beyond lame.

Get a real browser. Get Firefox. Get it here.
First, I would attempt to utilize a System Restore point prior to installing IE7. Although it has been released you'll want to go read the release notes from Microsoft to verify that you have everything up to date for the IE7 installlation. I do know that many IT organizations are currently not supporting IE7 until the appropriate updates are clarified and released.
Forget IE7.... Internet Explorer blew it's last straw for me this time last week too.

Brand spanking new computer (built myself), fresh install of Windows XP SP2 with Internet Explorer6 last Thursday afternoon.

Come Friday night, IE6 was rendered as much use as a chocolate fireguard by the fact the pop-up blocker decided it wouldn't let me download all the new software I needed to get back up to speed again after my old PC had completely fried it's self....... wouldn't let me open my webmail either........... so in the end I installed Mozilla Firefox instead, since I had a copy downloaded earlier in the week on my USB flashdrive having downloaded it from my Grandma's computer to try get my crappy old laptop I was having to make do with until my new PC was completed actually capable of loading websites (that thing was so old it was running IE4, and wouldn't load newer sites like this place, or MySpace, etc).

Trust me......... just get Firefox, it's ALOT easier.... doesn't matter if you're using a shagged-out Laptop with a 133MHz Pentium1 Processor %26amp; 80MB of RAM (upgraded from 16MB), or a relatively fast PC like my new 3.33GHz Intel Celeron D desktop, with 1GB of RAM.... FIREFOX works loads faster, and if it does screw-up then when you try to re-open it, it gives you the opportunity to resume from the webpage you were last looking at when it crashed.
i have the same problem! i use yahoo messenger,email, tool bar and originally downloaded IE7 along w/ the above. My brand new DELL XPS 410 comes equiped w/ trend/micro/pc-cillian and all sorts of software too. The " darn thang" freeezes, stops and states "program not responding" and then ya gotta 'end task' and start a new??!! I did the system restore w/ dell, redownloaded IE6 and yahoo stuff...but still have "not responding" $#%!!!, when switching to my space, yahoo pics,email ect....does anyone "really" agree w/ the IE guy who says 'uninstall all and the DL IE7' or if Firefox is so great HOW %26amp; WHAT DO I UNINSTALL to start fresh and use this 'bloody" thing for which I need? and i still wann keep yahoo mail, MSN, hotmail? Is this possible?
Well, you really need to make sure you go back to a restore point before you grabbed IE7.

IE7 is a typical Microsoft product, released before testing, and you are one of the testers!!!

Just say NO!!!

Contrarily to what some ppl might say, don't uninstall IE7, unless u overwrite it with an IE6 installation. Uninstalling IE completely may cause problems for your Windows operating system. I would probably suggest u revert to IE6 as the first step.

Then try using an alternate browser. Don't listen to those that say "switch to firefox, it's the best." Well that's a pretty subjective comment, it's like saying "eat chocolate ice cream, it's the best." Although Firefox is also my personal favorite, only YOU can tell what browser u like best, so here's a list of some of the more popular alternatives to IE on the Windows platform:

- Mozilla Firefox

- Opera

- Netscape

- Mozilla (now called SeaMonkey)

There are others less popular, but these are the ones I suggest u try out if u want to get away from IE. And remember, in the software world, u shouldn't let people force software on you (like Microsoft does), you should be using what you like.

P.S. I use IE7 as my 3rd browser of choice (Firefox being the first and Opera being the second) and so far, I haven't had too much problem with it. Feature-wise I think it's better than IE6, and they are catching up with the other browsers, but I still feel it's lagging behind somewhat on web standards (you'll notice if u do web development). Bug-wise, well I think u've experienced it on ur own.

Have fun experimenting with new things

Ie 7 vista problem?

hey there i have ie 7, vista and my ie when i open it just freezes up and doesn't respond it's saying connecting and nothing more tried deleting temporary files does'nt work so what do i do? can smbd help me please?

Ie 7 vista problem?microsoft updates

Type "Internet Explorer" into the search box on the start menu and then select the "Internet Explorer (No Add-ons)" option and see if this resolves the problem. If it does then a piece of software has been installed on your computer and is affecting the browser. If you have installed some new software recently trying removing it.

Alternatively try resetting Internet Explorers settings by following the guide on the link below:

Ie 7 vista problem?windows server 2003 internet explorer

best bet is to reinstall

After installing IE 7.0, MS outlook would not let me click on a web link in a message to launch it?

I get a message "This operation has been canceled due to restrictions in effect on this computer". Everything seemed to work fine before installing IE. I also can't check my yahoo e-mail when I try to launch IE from within Y! Messenger!! Any ideas?

After installing IE 7.0, MS outlook would not let me click on a web link in a message to launch it?internet explorer 6

i notice that most of people have a problem with ie 7

that is why i didnt download it

After installing IE 7.0, MS outlook would not let me click on a web link in a message to launch it?windows live internet explorer

uninstall ie7, thats what i did when i got it
check microsofts knowledge base for a fix. I can't think of the KB# right off hand but it will tell you how to fix the problem

You can also try this page microsoft.public.internetexplorer.genera...
Microsoft has a patch. it should be installed when you downloaded IE7... other than that uninstall 7 and go back to 6

How do I change IE home pg. from Yahoo to Google with Spyware doctor, ad-aware, IE's own securi

IE security settings, spyware doctor, ad-aware: preferences can be changed but products can not be completely shut off. one of these is preventing permanent installation of alternate home page. Work-around available? IE home page opens by clicking the Yahoo logo.

How do I change IE home pg. from Yahoo to Google with Spyware doctor, ad-aware, IE's own security installed?internet explorer

Open IE using the IE icon. Go to tools, the internet options. Where it says address, type in google's URL. Click OK. You're done. Now every time you open IE using the IE icon, it will open up with google as the home page.

Does anyone else experience IE not loading pages completely, in other words, saying it is done, when

Since I've switched to IE 7, I've noticed many, many improvements, but it seems that I have been having to hit refresh or clicking on links more often to get the pages to load correctly.

It isn't my internet connection. I am on a high speed back bone connection with 10 MB/s bandwidth (10 down, 3 up).

For example, I go to view a streaming video...the page loads, it displays everything almost immediately except for the video and an image or two. Now it may be due to Ad servers and the order IE downloads (in particular, many more pages containing adclick and similar services seem to have this problem more often), but the unusual thing is that after waiting for a few seconds, the status bar in IE indicates Done, and the connection lights go out, but it isn't finished! I check my connection, and the speed is still fine (excellent connection). So I hit refresh, and what do you know, the video now suddenly appears as if "Oopps, did you want to see this content too?"!

Anyone else?

Does anyone else experience IE not loading pages completely, in other words, saying it is done, when it isn't?download ie

yes, this happens to me too. I never know if it is the server or what. Sometimes it refreshes fine. Sometimes I have to close IE and open it again.

Annoying, huh?!

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